THREE| smile, the worst is yet to come

Start from the beginning

"I don't know what we're going to do," Wells sighed helplessly. He hung his head and Carter could almost feel the vulnerability seeping off him.

"Easy," Carter chirped, pulling a smile with the naïve hope it would pick up his spirits. "We survive." Wells turned to look at her. He could tell her smile was forced, but it gave him a small spark of hope anyway. Considering both their fathers were major parts of the council, they hardly ever exchanged words on the Ark. Carter wasn't interested in hanging around with the other kids like her, she preferred to spend her time with friends from different sections. Like Finn. She had nothing against Wells and the others. She felt that if she hung around with people like her, including Wells, it was just a reminder of her father and how easy life was for them compared to those who had to really work to get what they wanted.

Carter raised an eyebrow at the boy next to her and he sheepishly looked away, realizing he had been looking at her too long. He stood up and gathered a bunch of sticks that were by his feet, ready to take them to the side of the Drop ship.

"Want any help?" Carter offered. Wells nodded his head gratefully and Cater took some of the sticks away from the Chancellor's son. They walked contentedly to the side of the Drop ship when someone spoke up.

"Find any water yet?"

They both looked up to see Murphy staring at Wells expectantly. Wells straightened. "No not yet," Carter watched as Murphy looked at Wells with an emotionless expression. "We're going back out if you want to come."

Wells' eyes found something carved into the wall of the Drop ship and his face fell slightly. Carter followed his eyes and frowned.

First son, first to dye.

Carter didn't know if 'dye' was spelled like that as a mistake or on purpose. Either way, it looked stupid. Murphy started to laugh at Wells' reaction then his face turned into a dark sneer. "You know, my father," Murphy's eyes darkened. "He begged for mercy in that chamber when your father floated him."

Wells took a step forward, and before he could say anything, Carter was already talking. "Oh boohoo," She rolled her eyes, taking a few steps towards him. "You're not the only one whose lost someone because of the Ark's screwed up laws. And you certainly won't be the last."

Murphy's eyes snapped to Carter and she could see his jaw tighten. "Oh yeah? And who are you?"

She narrowed her eyes. "Who I am is no concern of yours, jackass."

Murphy's eyes widened a fraction and he forced a laugh, turning to the guy who stood next to him then back at Carter, a snarl contorted his face. "It's okay, I know who you are. You're Kane's daughter. Yeah, I heard that your daddy floated your mommy for a reason no one knows of... but hey, no big deal. Everyone's lost someone to the Ark's screwed up laws,"

"Oh I'm gonna kill your sorry ass!" Carter spat with fury, lunging towards Murphy. Before she could fully tackle him to the ground, Wells pulled her back and restrained her by her shoulders.

"Stop! He's not worth it." He said in a calm, even tone.

"The hell he's not!" Carter peeled her death glare off Murphy and looked at Wells. She harshly shook him off and looked back at Murphy, her breathing was heavy.

"You better sleep with one eye open, bitch." She warned. Murphy frowned at her, not understanding what she said to him but he could tell it was a threat by the lowness of her voice.

Wells looked back at the carving on the Drop ship and then began to walk past Murphy, adding, "You spelled die wrong, geniuses."

Carter stayed put, not trusting herself to move. She had only one soft spot and that was her mother. Her hands were balled into fists by her sides and her lips were in a tight line. Just as Wells disappeared, Bellamy walked up to Murphy, catching sight of his graffiti.

Troublesome ~ Bellamy Blake [1]Where stories live. Discover now