Log #1: Part 1...First Day!

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Tik-tock tik-tock tip-tock


"Uuugh" a feminine voice groaned, the sound coming from a white duvet comforter. A thin pale arm swiftly pulls back into the warmth of the covers.

An echo of footsteps sounded down the halls of the wood floors. A small click of the doorknob whispered as this tiny girl walks in holding a baby ragdoll cat close to her chest with her right arm, the other hand on the doorknob.

She has brown hair and blue eyes. Her little bare feet pitter-patter on the Brazilian chestnut wood floor until it hits the soft fuzzy blue mat around the sides of the white bed frame. She placed her kitten on the bed and placed her arms on the top of the bed to climb on. Her arms struggle to get her body on the tall bed that is her same height.

After a few seconds of pulling, she made it and sighed regaining the energy she just lost. She proceeded to crawl over the bed to where the sleeping teen laid unknowing, leaving her kitten at the foot of the bed. The girl stood up, wobbling a bit as her feet were swallowed by the bed.

The little girl took a deep breath and counted in her head, three...two...one!, she leaped into the air, "GOOD MORNING CLO! TIME TO GO TO SCHOOL!!!", landing right on the sleeping teen's gut.

The teen, in a red tank top and black knee-length baggy shorts, sprung up from her covers groaning in pain with a small cough. Holding her stomach, her green long hair covered her face. Darkness starts to illuminate over Clo's body as she slowly lifts her head. A glint in her brown eyes as the small girl turns pale from fear and jumps off the bed screaming. Leaving her kitten on the warm bed.

"NINA GET BACK HERE!" Clo screams and throws her blanket off of her, landing on the ragdoll kitten with a small meow in surprise, chasing after the almost to tears child.

"I'M SORRY!" Nina screams with only Clo a few inches from her. Running into the living room, Clo grabs the child's small hand and pulls her back, making her land in the teens' lap. Clo gives an evil smile, "you will pay for that" she proceeded to rub and twist her fist into Ninas' hair with her left hand around her head, making the small child cry out pleas of mercy.

"Clover. Nina. You two stop horsing around and come eat breakfast," she gave a pointed look over to Clover, "And you missy is going to be late if you don't hurry," An older woman with long tied up brown hair and eyes wearing a forest green frilly apron shouts from the kitchen across from the living room.

"Yes ma'am," the sisters sang in unison, Nina pouting while rubbing her head. They got up and went to the dining room connected to the kitchen and the living room. A small rectangle white table against the wall on one of its short sides able to hold five chairs.

"Where's Thomas and Dad?" Clo asked curiously as she sat down, only seeing two plates for her and her sister.

"Oh, your dad had to open the bakery earlier because an important client came for a big order. And your brother left for school almost an hour ago, " The sisters' mom said matter-of-factly as she finished making her own plate.

She took off her apron and placed it on its hook by the pantry and sat down. Her plate only having an omelet and a slice of white toast with butter. While our plates having eggs, hash browns, and white toast.

Clo stands up and grabs another slice of bread and toasts it in the kitchen and makes a sandwich with her breakfast. She takes her first bite and her little sister and mom stare at her in horror. Clo realizes the stares from her Lil sis and mom and stares back confused.

"Whmuat? (what?)" She says tilting her head while holding her hand over her mouth, talking with food in her mouth.

"Nothing honey, just finish your breakfast. It's 7:15 already," she smiles and as she walks away she mumbles, "she is her dad's daughter alright."

The teen coughed out of breath and choking on her food in surprise, "Wait! What did you say?!" Clo almost yells as she dramatically stood up from her chair.

Her mother got a bit nervous, " what do you mean dear?"

"I AM LATE FOR SCHOOL!!" She screamed, horror on her face as she ran to her room in a whirlwind and out the door with her girls uniform on that is a black overcoat, a white undershirt, and white knee-high socks, with a red plaid skirt and tie {above}. Her mom giggled and turned to put the dishes away. A gust of wind blew past and the rest of Clo's sandwich that was left on her plate was gone, her voice yelling out, "LOVE YOU!"

"Oh, what will we do with her? " Her mom said smiling with a sigh.

"Mama look what I made!" Nina cheerfully shouts happily at her mom. Lifting her plate Nina showed her food arranged to be a heart.

"Yes, very beautiful. Finish up, we have to bring you to school too." smiling, her mom pats Nina's head as she grumbles unhappily.


As Clo runs with her sandwich in her mouth she sees her new school. The school was huge with a tan hue of color. A black metal gate at the front with tall green hedges. It was, of course, a rich kid school. She ran faster looking at her black leather watch reading 7:28 am. Two minutes left to get past the school gates. Clo runs faster, a sudden black fancy car rushes towards her as she crosses the road to her school.

A small gasp escapes from her mouth as a car appears as she was running across the street and she jumps back in shock. Tripping on her own feet, she falls on her butt while the car screeches to a stop.

After a few seconds of Clo being frozen processing what had happened, she jumped to her feet and then realized the missing sandwich from her mouth like blinkers pointing at her mouth with an invisible outline of the sandwich previously there. Looking down she sees her sandwich on the floor, scattered on her shoes with grease stains on her skirt.

She cried internally and yelled in her head, your messy death shall not be in vain delicious breakfast!

The car driver got out, it was a tall buff white man with a black suit and sunglasses. "Are you insane kid?!" He yelled while walking towards her.

Just as he shouted at her, the bell for school had gone off with a swinging silver bell at the top of the building. Clo turned to look at the man with a panicked apologetic smile and bowed towards him slightly. She gave him a white card and continued to run towards the school gate.

The man yelled out and was about to run after her when the back seat of the black car tinted window rolled down, "Stop, hand it over," a man's voice requested sternly.

"O-of course young master," he bowed, intimidated by the man and complied. A hand with a black glove reached over and grabbed the white card and saw a phone number and name.

Inside the car is a man, shadows cover his face. The light through the window revealing his pale mouth and glistening ice-cold blue eyes. " Clover Mendoza...hmmm, not bad" the thin lines of his mouth contorts into a smirk. He looks out the window back towards the girl, his mouth agapes, and eyes widen as his eyes rest on her long green hair pulled up with a white bow. He holds the card to his lips as he stares at Clo running away.

"not bad at all."


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