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I picked up the stick and it had a little positive symbol. I was surprisingly happy maybe I did want a kid. I have always wanted to be a mother. For about a minute I was happy and then my brain took over. I can't have a kid I live with my best friend. I still have 2 years left of school. I don't have a husband. I don't even have a job. What am I going to do? What am I going to say to Melissa or Chris or Sherriff? I turned around to my best friend and my boyfriend and tears started to fall I was so scared all I knew in the world was that I was going to be a better mom then my mom ever was but all I could think was how disappointed Chris, Melissa and sheriff will be with me. Me and my dad and my mum were never close so when ever I had a problem I needed my dad for I went to Chris and sherif and anything girl related Melissa was my mum I wish I was her child. They will be so disappointed in me and I just cried more "Lydia don't cry please don't cry. You'll be okay I will be here and so will scott" Allison said. Scott I hadn't even thought about my older brother well he might as well be I never had a brother so like The parents when ever I had a problem I needed a brother for Scott was there. He will kill stiles. Stiles. Stiles my gorgeous boyfriend just stood there with a goofy shocked look on his face like he was 9 and someone told him his dog died. "Stiles." He just stood there "stiles say something please" I pleaded "it's okay if you leave" I whispered. He turned around and walked away I knew he couldn't handle it I wasn't mad I was upset I turned to face the mirror and cried I was enveloped into strong arms "I thought you walked out on me" I said crying into stiles chest "I would never leave you actually I was thinking about something that I had wanted to do for a while I bought this the day you said yes to going out with me, whilst you bought a new formal dress I bought this" he said and got down on one knee "Lydia Louise Martin I have loved you since the 3rd grad and we have been friends since long before I love you with all my heart and I would take a bullet for you and I feel the same about this baby. I asked Scott Allison and Chris and they all agreed to this. Lydia Louise Martin will you do me the honer of becoming Lydia Louise Stilinski?" he finished and I couldn't believe what he just said I was pregnant and being proposed to all whilst being 17...
But I had never been more on track in my whole life "stiles stilinski our life might be a bit haywire right now but if there is anything I know it's that I will love this baby and I will always want to be with you so yes I will marry you" he placed the ring on my finger and stood up and I jumped into his arms he hugged and then put me down "woah there we don't want our little package being hurt now do we" he said placing his hands on my tummy and I loved how he loved the baby "congratulations guys, not to wreck the happiness and excitement but there are a few stops we have to make to announce the 2 newest stilinski's" allison announced and we all ran down stairs Chris was out so we decided to tell Scott and Melissa first I was nervous about Melissa she was like a mum to me. When I got my first period my mum was out on a date so I called Melissa and she came over and helped me and ever since she has been the one I told everything to she was one of my best friends but I was most nervous to tell Scott I had no idea how he would react Scott was a bit of a grenade you knew you were safe as long as you didn't ignite it but when you do ignite it. It obliterates everything in it's path.

We were now sitting in Scott's driveway and I felt sick. Not morning sickness. Nervous sick. "Lyds let's do this" stiles said to me "stiles I'm not worried for me I'm worried for you. I'm Scott's little sister who you impregnated he is gonna blow" I said nervously "what do you mean blow Scott never gets angry" Allison said never having seen Scott angry "why do you think he is never angry. Because he controls it because when he gets angry he obliterates anything Scott one time hospitalized this kid because he tapped my butt without my permission" I said "wow" Allison said "well he's gonna find out somehow" stiles said. We hopped out of the car holding hands and Allison following close behind.

*knock knock knock*

Melissa opened the door "hi Lydia hi stiles hi Allison what's up? Come in" she said letting us in I felt so ill from nerves "well Melissa I have to tell you Scott and Luce something extreamly important" I said "well Scott and Lucy aren't home at the moment they went to the mall" Lucy was Scott's little sister and might as well be mine I loved her so much she had the same colour hair as Scott and the same eyes she basically looked like a prettier version of Scott if he was a girl. She was a freshman and was dating Liam Scott little lacrosse brother "Okay I guess we will just tell you and tell them later" I said preparing myself mentally. She is like your mum she will be understanding she had Scott sort of young "well I will make some tea" she said and so me Allison and stiles all sat down around the table as I prepared myself. Whilst she made tea my brain fought back what if she doesn't understand. What if she hates me and thinks I'm a disgrace and won't let Scott or Lucy around me. That was it I couldn't handle the pressure I ran to the bath room and puked my guts out stiles came in and held my hair and patted my back. We came back and Melissa looked very worried "okay guys tell me what is it. I won't get mad" she said not knowing what was ahead "Okay well you have to promise to let me finish no interruptions and please don't hate me" I said to her tearing up "okay I promise" she said "Well first off me and stiles are engaged" her eyes lit up like she was going to speak but she held it in "and I am going to be a mom. Okay go yell at me tell me you don't want me near Scott or Lucy tell me I'm a disgrace. Just know I'm sorry. I never wanted to disappoint you." I said balling "sorry Melissa" stiles said hugging me Melissa stood up and walked over to me. "Lydia I'm not mad and I definitely don't think your a disgrace. I do however think you are a bit young but I know you Lydia and I know you to stiles you are both good kids and have been inlove for a long long long time even if you didn't know it. I believe in you and this kid will have the best parents ever I am here for you what ever you need. Money, food, somewhere to stay, just keeping in mind were running a little low on money haha" she laughed "thank you mom I crying into her arms whilst hugging her tight.

We told Chris and sheriff Stilinski and it kinda just went the same I cried told them I was sorry and hope I didn't disappoint them and they said I didn't and so on stiles dad was extremely angry at stiles for putting me in this position and argent was the same but they forgave him because I love him. I started thinking maybe this wouldn't be so bad but then Scott and lucy walked into my bedroom stiles was here but Allison was out and was super excited to be an aunt. "Why did you ask me here and why were you crying in your message" Scott and Lucy said frantically in sync they obviously ran from his car to my door extremely fast "well uys sit d..down." I said nervously "Please don't be mad" stiles said you could hear he was nervous "what's going on guys" Scott said freaking out Lucy just sat there looking worried "well you promise you will let me finish without interruptions" I said starting to tear up  they gave eachother a look and then said "we promise"

"Well as Scott knows stiles and I are engaged so there you go Luce and well there's something else something bigger. I am pregnant I am so sorry Scott please don't be disappointed in me because see all I ever wanted to do was just make you proud but how could be proud of me now and lucy I just wanted to be someone you could look up too but obviously I am not now" I said tears falling like a fountain. Lucy cried and ran into my arms "I love you lydia, you are and will always be my big sister and my hero, everything will be okay" she said I felt calmer for a second until I looked at Scott who hadn't moved he hadn't changed a single mussel in his body or face. "Scott..... Scott..... Scott say something..... Anything..... Please...." he just stood there. Then he turned red and screamed "HOW COULD YOU BE SO IRRESPONSIBLE. YOU CAN'T LOOK AFTER A CHILD WHEN YOU ARE STILL A CHILD YOUR SELF YOU STILL HAVE 2 YEARS LEFT OF SCHOOL WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO DROP OUT AND LIVE AT HOME OFF WEEK TO WEEK WAGES OF YOUR PATHETIC PAYING JOB. STAY IN BEACON HILLS YOUR WHOLE LIFE LYDIA YOU HAD ASPIRATION FOR YOUR LIFE YOU WANTED TO MOVE TO NEW YORK AND BE A DESIGNER HOW ARE YOU GONNA DO THAT WITH A CHILD THEY CAN'T LIVE THAT KINDA LIFESTYLE. SOMETIMES YOUR JUST SO STUPID LYDIA!!" He screamed crying and I just cried more I knew he didn't mean it he was just as terrified as us but I was so angry that he was the only person who was angry I lost it. Every emotion I had felt all day was shaken out "YOU THINK I DON'T KNOW THAT YOU THINK I HAVEN'T SPENT ALL DAY THINKING ABOUT THAT. YOU KNOW WHAT FUCK YOU I AM TERRIFIED AND I NEEDED MY BROTHER AND WHAT DID YOU DO CALLED ME STUPID AND POINTED OUT HOW CRAP LIFE WILL BE AS IF I DIDN'T KNOW!" I cried, let go of lucy and stormed off into Allison's room which she was now in as she got home "I heard everything come here babe. He will calm down"

Stiles P.O.V
What a fuck wit "What is wrong with you man she has been crying and sweating all day and vomiting every now and then because she was so fucking nervous that you would do this and you proved her right your a douche" I said softly "WHATS WRONG WITH ME. WHATS WRONG WITH YOU GOT HER PREGNANT. YOU GOT MY LITTLE SISTER PREGNANT. you ruined her life man she will never have the same chances and opportunities as any other girl now. She won't ever have a normal life. She had dreams there all gone now." I knew Scott was right I wrecked her life all me but she needed me to be strong she also needed Scott "yep okay I ruined her life but it's done and it happened but now the only way she is gonna get through it is with both of us you and me Scott. You and me." I whispered knowing the walls were thin and not wanting her to here that I thought I ruined her life. But this baby will mean the world to me and her and I think that he or she will be worth it.

Authors note.
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