Chap 6:First Step Towards Each Other

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Saturday 11:30 a.m at Taehyung house:

[The scene opens in taehyung bedroom. He was sleeping peacefully until someone disturbed his precious sleep by ringing the doorbell like there is no tomorrow and if he didn't open it he/she will definitely break the  door]


He tried to ignore the voice and sleep peacefully but he failed miserably.

"AAAHhhhhhhhh!! who the hell is it now" he said whining still lying on the bed. He was having a headache but that person doesn't seem to worry about it. He lazily stood up and came out of his room, his hands massaging his temples but suddenly everything went silent and he thought that the person left and he happily turned around but again someone started ringing the bell.

"aahhhh okay okay I am coming" he shouted.

He reached the door and open it with a furious face. However, his mind went blank when his eyes landed upon Eun Jung's face.

"Good morning," she said with a bright smile on her face.

"By the way what took you so long I had been ringing the bell for at least 15 mins," she said entering the house. He stood there dumbfounded. She looked at Taehyung who was still in last nightclothes.

"tsk tsk I thought you were a punctual man but look at you. You haven't changed your clothes yet"

"Now go and take a shower," she said pushing him by his shoulders towards his room.

"But...." he was cut off.

"no buts now go," she said pushing him the last time.

As soon as he came into his room he sat on his bed and tried to think what has just happened.

"What is she doing here.........wait how am I here," he said looking around his room.

"I clearly remember that last night I went to the club and I was drinking and......" his eyes widen when he remembered last night's event.

"It hurts a lot.."

"Why the hell did I tell her all that!" he said covering his face with both hands.

He was curious why he told her his past but he was more curious about why she was here and why she was behaving like that. After taking a shower he changed into blue ripped jeans and a casual white shirt. As soon as he walked outside his room he smells something delicious he walked towards the kitchen with a curious look on his face and he found Eun Jung cooking pancakes while humming songs her lips curved into a small smile. For a second he found himself staring at her but as soon as he realizes he quickly looked away.

"aahhmm ahhmm" he faked a cough.

she was so mesmerized in her cooking that she didn't notice his presence and when he faked a cough she jumped in fear which made him laugh.

"oooh my God you freaked me out!!" she said placing her hands on her chest.

"Sorry......but what are you doing here," he said with a questionable look.

" you haven't eaten yet right so I cooked pancakes for you," she said with big eyes.

"come on let's eat," she said sitting on the dining table.

He walked towards the dining table with a curious look. They ate in silence.

"so now can I ask you what are you doing here in my house," he said leaning back in his chair.

"I came here to pick you up," she said shoving the last spoonful of pancake in her mouth.


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