Chap 4:Tug Of War

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TUESDAY 7:30 a.m

Eun Jung after having breakfast was leaving for the office.


"Goodbye girl have a nice day and try your best not to get fired," she said teasingly

Eun Jung just stuck her tongue out at her and closed the door behind.

8:00 a.m at the office building

Eun Jung entered the building full of hopes. Her eyes landed upon Taehyung who was waiting for the elevator after she seeing him she thought that after all that happened between the two of them it would be good talking to him as nicely as possible. She called him so that he would hold the door open for her.


he looked at her and simply walked into the elevator ignoring her presence. She runs in the direction of the elevator hoping that to get in. Hoping that he would hold the door for her but instead when she reached the elevator the two doors were inches apart from each other but she could still see the smirk upon his face. She scoffs in disbelief.

Manager min:

"Eun Jung this is for you," she said while putting a paper in front of her.

"Survival tips?" she asks with a confused faced

she chuckles "My dear these are all the information you are going to need in order to survive here," she said patting her on the shoulder.

"But remember this information can only be trusted in few situations because you never know how he is going to attack you, so fighting!!" with that she leaves Eun Jung dumbfounded.

Eun Jung:

she knocked on the door.

"come in" he answered in his usual deep voice.

"sir here is your coffee," she said putting the cup on his desk. He moved his hands towards the coffee eyes still fixed upon the computer screen. She stood there with a bright smile on her face but her smile faded away when he glared at her.

"sir is something wrong," she asked confusingly.

"don't you know how I like my coffee," he said gritting his teeth

"but manger min told me..."

"forget what she told you. I am saying that I don't like your coffee so just go bring me another one."He said pushing the cup in her direction and start typing on his computer as nothing happened she looks at him in disbelief and then she leaves with an irritated look on her face.

"I just made it as she told me but this man aaaahh! I want to kill him!" she said ruffling her hairs in frustration.

"sir your coffee" she puts the cup in front of him again he took a sip and quickly spit it out

"what did you put in it. It's too bitter" he said with a disgusted look on his face.

he pushed the cup towards her. she let out a long sigh and took the cup and leave with anger full in her eyes.

"This guy is seriously getting on my nerves," she said putting the cup at the table angrily.

"I  added a spoon full of sugar in his coffee but he is saying  it is too bitter and now he wants me to bring another coffee."

"This time I really want to add some poison in it," she said gritting her teeth but then her eyes landed on something. Suddenly her expression changes into a mischievous look.

"well well well what do we have here," she said while smirking.

"sir! here is your coffee" she said with a cheerful voice putting the cup in front of him.

Taehyung who was expecting her to be angry looked at her and was confused to see her smirking. He took a sip of his coffee.

"what the helllll...why is it salty!!" he spit it out. She pursed her lips in order to control her laughter.

"did you put salt in it," he asked with wide eyes and shocked face

"huh salt?" she said all innocently and she moves her hand towards the cup and acts as if she was taking a sip.

"aaahhhhh I must have mistaken it as sugar," she said innocently with big eyes.

Taehyung looked at her with a shocked face.

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