Chap 3:Mr.CEO

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 After reaching the door she puts on a professional smile and turned the doorknob.


"good morning sir. I am Lee Eun Jung....."

 Taehyung who was sitting in his chair looking outside the glass windows turned around to meet the owner of the voice and as soon as their eyes meet they both shouted in unison.



As he was just about to enter the door of Taehyung room he heard him and a girl shouting. he quickly entered the room and saw them both glaring at each other. He fake a cough

"ahhmm...aahhmm" both of them looked at him

"You must be miss Lee Eun Jung.....Taehyung-sshi new personal secretary" he said in a polite tone

their jaw dropped in shock.

"How did you know her?"taehyung asked him.

"huh," jimin said while repeating the conversation between him and manager min.

5 min before:

"jimin-sshi" she called jimin who was moving in taehyung room direction


"Sir can you please tell NEW secretary that I am looking for her," she said while emphasizing upon the word new

"new secretary! did the last one  already left" he asked with wide eyes

"more like she got fired"

"Waah... daebak he is something"


Without answering to Taehyung Jimin said.

"so Miss. Lee manager min is looking for you so you can go now" he said while gesturing her to leave

 she slightly bowed to him and then she leaves with a worried look on her face.

Eun Jung:

She was walking back and forth while chewing her nails. Then she suddenly stops and said to herself:

"did I just hit my boss a.k.a the CEO of this company with a bicycle and called him an idiot"

"AAAhhh Eun Jung you are such an idiot how could you do that!!" she said while ruffling her hairs in frustration.


"How did you know her? " he asked while raising an eyebrow at him.

"Ohh that my boy is a long story, "Jimin said teasingly.

"do I look like I am joking," he said, 

"aaahh manger min told me about her and you tell me first that how did manage to kick your fifth secretary out hhuuh," Jimin said

"I am the CEO of this company I can do what I want and I never fire someone without reasons, okay those people were repeating the same mistake over and over again so how can I tolerate that," he said defensively.

"so it means you are not going to kick Eun Jung out to right because you don't kick people without any solid reasons right," Jimin said

Taehyung realizes his mistake and gritted his teeth in frustration.

"who said I was going to fire her huh"

"ooh come on it is written all over your face that the next thing you want to do is kill her okay,"jimin said

  After returning home Eun Jung was telling Jessica everything.


"so luckily you managed not to get fired on the first day of your job hhmm...impressive"

"Heeyyaa...i didn't do anything do deserve something like that okay, "Eun jun said

"Ohh yeah you are right because everybody just goes around riding a kid bicycle and hitting people right," she said with a sarcastic tone

"do you want me to take your life hun, "Eun Jung said while throwing a pillow at Jessica's face.

"Just admit it. It was your mistake" Jessica said catching the pillow

"and I apologized to him but he called me mentally ill" she protested

"and you called him an idiot and an illiterate man" Jessica said while pointing at the facts

"Youu... you know what I don't want to talk to you right now so just go and let me sleep"

she said while pushing Jessica out of her room.


she closed the door even before Jessica could complete her sentence.

"so now this psychopath is going around stealing my friend. AAaaahhhh I hate him"

she said while ruffling her hair.

Miss Not So Prudent | KIM Taehyung |حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن