Chap 1:Stand Up For Yourself

213 11 2

September 2005

 [The scene opens in a big garden. It's night time, the sky is full of clouds, the rain is ready to fall and Kim Taehyung a 10 years old little boy is holding on to her mother's clothes pleading her not to leave.]

 "don't leave me alone mom please don't go. I love you" he said while crying.

On the other hand, she is trying to free her clothes from his grip but he is not letting go."Momma, please ... I love..." but he was cut off by her mother harsh words

"But I don't love you and your let go of me and get back inside" she pushed him harshly and then she leaves and the rain starts pouring.

  The little boy half drenched in rain came running to his father so that he can stop her."Appa momma is going please stop her I can't live without her...appa". he pulled him with his sleeves and then his father who was holding a glass in his hands throw it with full power on the wall. The little angel got afraid and a piece of glass hit his angelic hand and it started bleeding but his father just shouted at him saying "you can't live without her then go get her" with that he pushed him out of the main door which opens into the garden. The boy stood there with horrifying expressions on his face. The raindrops dripping from his hair he looks at the other gate the rain hitting it strongly. He felt pain in his heart like someone hit it with a dagger.

 That night he stood alone, that night he faced the bitter truth, that night he felt like he is all alone in this world and that very night he promised himself that he will stand up for himself, he will fight with this world alone and that he will never let anybody come close to him so that no one can hurt him.

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