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In the spirit of HAAAALLLLOOOWEEEENNN... I wrote this creepypasta. *^~^* This does not associate with the story whatsoever so yeah...




(This is needed so that if people don't want to read it, they can close this book without seeing any of the story. Story is below)











I was trying to find Phil but I couldn't. I searched everywhere. Well, nearly everywhere, except for the storeroom at the back of our apartment which I would say it is terrifying and creepy. Me and Phil never used it, for the things that laid behind the door.

To be honest, it was as terrifying as Five Nights at Freddy's. The old owner of our apartment somehow had a fascination with masks. Not just any masks.

Clown masks which seem the be dated back in the 1800s, fake blood on the masks chin, an eerie smile seemingly wicked, and two empty holes for a human's eyes to fit in. Red hair springing out of the masks top portions with small pieces of glass sticking out of them, as if someone had used the mask to smash glass.

And it wasn't also any old horrific mask that you find on random alleyways. No. Phil and I had researched upon it an it seemed to be a mask with quite a history. Legend had stated that those types masks were considered cursed or haunted. Any human upon wearing that mask would immediately fall into a trance and supposedly follow the orders of the spirits that live in it.

Including the fact that there was 13 of them in the storeroom, well let's just say that we shouldn't take chances. But Phil was gone like poof. I had sent him messages for few hours earlier yet he hasn't replied to any of them and didn't answer any of my calls. I tried calling PJ and Chris to see if he was at any of their houses but yet they didn't answer my calls either.

I was getting really worried by this point as what I heard from the other end of the line was just continuous static. I was about to call the police when my phone rang. Phil was calling me.


"Dan, I need you to open the storeroom door. Now."

Phil's voice was mixed with fear and anguish. I started to call the police but yet somehow there wasn't any signal. I tried opening the door but it seemed to be shut tight with nails as I couldn't open it. I even tried to open the windows but with no such luck. What was happening?

Suddenly, the lights started flickering and a few turned off by itself. I ran towards the kitchen and managed to find the kitchen knives before I was thrown into a vortex of darkness. I hated the dark. More of a phobia. I started laughing to myself how ironic this seems, for it was like a scene in horror films.

I lied about the vortex of darkness part as there were glimpses of light coming from none other then under the storeroom door.

I contemplated my choices, yet opening the storeroom door seemed to be the best choice now. I got up from where I was seating and started to follow the walls to where the storeroom was. I braced myself from what was to appear and flung open the storeroom door and I started screaming out of terror and fright and jumped back a few metres. There lay Phil with a slit on his throat. His eyes weren't bright anymore, just dull, dilated, lifeless and in shock. His mouth was gaped, like he was in mid-scream when the murder had happened. I stood there in shock whilst some tears started falling.

But the most scariest thing was not Phil, but all of the masks were gone. Suddenly, I heard footsteps coming from behind. I turned my head to one of my living nightmare. 13 people were cloaked in brown hoodies with fresh blood stains, shoulder hunched, black boots and one of the cursed mask.

I tried to run but my feet seemed to be stuck to the ground. They suddenly stopped in mid-track. One of them stepped forward and brandished a bloody kitchen knife. His eyes making the mask look even more sinister.

"Say bye!" Growled one gravelly and a sharp pain could be felt on my neck.

And that, was the last thing I remembered on Earth...



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