Final Chapter

57 4 0

*Third Person POV*

It seemed that time had stopped. A coffee cup fell onto the ground with a thundering crash. The other patrons of the store turned to look at the commotion but turned back just as quick. It wasn't their problem, so why bother?

The waitress rushed over with a broom and dustpan and tried to sweep up the sharp bits and pieces of the cup. But worse of all, Dan's parents towered over him, glowering with anger.

Phil and his parents watched in horror as Dan's mother tugged him hard from his wrist and dragged him out of the restaurant. Phil felt helpless. What could he do?

His parents tried to comfort him, but he was unresponsive. Dan was dragged away and he was uncertain of the near future. They were both adults but their parents still hold a significant power over them which could make or break them.

Dan's parents were yelling at him in the car, screaming why he chose to love a guy and not a girl, claiming it was sinful to do so. Red hot tears streamed down Dan's face but he could not respond. There was nothing that could change his parents' mind. This whole thing was a bad idea, and Dan wished that he had not agreed with Phil on this. His dad was swerving dangerously between lanes as he could not get over the fact that his son was "ga-" no, sinning against God. He could not believe it. Neither could Dan's mother.


Dan nodded his head, his fists clenched tightly as they approached the driveway. As soon as the car stopped, Dan ran out of the car and into his room. Slamming the door, he collapsed onto his bed. He couldn't take it. It was too much for him to handle. Downstairs, he heard loud shouting and the crashing of objects. He wrapped himself with his blanket as he created a puddle of tears on his pillow.


The heated discussion downstairs seemed to cool off and Dan's cheek was stained with tear tracks. His thoughts were in a mess. A part of him wanted to not love Phil to please his family, but another part of him told him that loving Phil was righteous.

Suddenly, Dan heard a knock on his window. He dismissed it as merely an obnoxious squirrel. However, the knock returned, ever so rapid and urgent. Dan got up from his bed and went to investigate. He opened the window.

*Phil's POV*

As soon as Dan opened the window, I tumbled in and stared at him. He was a mess with his hair flying all over the place and his eyes red and puffy. Without thinking, I enveloped him in a hug. This felt wrong for some reason, as I knew Dan's parents would disagree to this but I didn't care. He hugged me back and we embraced in silence. I pulled back a bit, before tilting my head to the right and pressed my lips gently against his.

I felt that Dan stopped for a while before melting into the kiss. Two words rang out in my mind: Forbidden love. It was forbidden in this household for me to love Dan and Dan to love me. But I loved him with all my heart. As we kissed, the same spark was still alive and I could feel his tears wet against my cheek.

I placed my forehead against his.

"Hey Dan..."

"Hmm..?" He replied.

"Do you want to run away?"

"Run away from what Phil? They will always come and find me, no matter where I am. They will hunt me down and once they find me.. Phil, I don't know about this.."

I could see the sorrow, anger and guilt that was in his hazel brown eyes. Dan looked at me. Somehow, he nodded at my idea. He nodded to the same idea that got him into his mess in the first place. Yet, he trusted me still. I needed to make sure this will go perfect.

"Okay, tonight, back your bags. We will be leaving tomorrow."

"To where Phil?"

"Somewhere. It doesn't matter where. But it is a place I know for sure that we will be safe."

I wrapped him in a hug once again. I spied his tripod stand and lifted it up. Putting the camera on top of it, I looked at him. He knew what I was doing - telling our viewers about our relationship. The hatred is going come, but we know that from hate, there will come love. I switched the camera on.

"Hi guys! Dan and Phil here. Well we have some news for you today," I spoke towards the camera.

"Some very exciting news indeed."

"So well, to keep it sweet and short, we are together." As I said it, I placed my hand onto Dan's cheek and pulled him closer. I kissed him on the lips and he obliged. I readjusted my lips and took a breather. This went on for about 10 seconds before I pulled away.

"Well, that's it folks. We will be going away for a little while. See ya!" I smiled and waved at the camera. I immediately took out the SD card, uploaded it onto YouTube, and published it onto both our channels.

Responses soon cam flooding in, but I closed the laptop before I read any of them. I gently took Dan's hand and pulled him onto his bed. He's eyes were slowly closing because of the energy the crying took. I wrapped my arms around his body and cuddled him. He's breathing was in sync with mine, and I knew this was probably the last night we could enjoy "peacefulness" without the anxiety in putting ourselves in a new country. I knew where we were going, I had friends there. But tonight, it was to keep Dan safe in my arms...


"Hey Dan, are you ready?" I asked him as he shouldered his backpack and held onto his luggage. We were at the airport, ready to board our flight. We approached the check-in counter to place our baggages. After the staff gave back our passports, Dan took out the ticket.

"Phil, why are we going here. Are you sure we can afford it?" Dan said.

I nodded my head. I had everything planned out. I grasped my fingers around his as we walked into the immigration area. It was time to put everything away for a while just to spend time with the man I love and to start a new life. We had our passports checked and we headed for the flight gate. Our flight came and we got up to queue to board it. I looked at the gap between the airplane and the platform. Once I cross this line, there is no turning back. I looked back at Dan and he smiled at me. I took a deep breath as I crossed the line and pulled Dan along with me

"Welcome to Flight A345 bound for Los Angles, how may I help you?"


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