Chapter 5

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My friend forced me to write this chapter today or she would spam me on my moblie *sigh* But thank you for 400+ reads :)


I woke up with a massive headache and it was so bad that I had to squeeze shut my eyes and hold my forehead whilst trying to get up. My breath hitched when the searing pain came again. I wish Phil was here. He would have taken care of me. But I was alone in this bathroom. Oh Phil...

I must have worried him yesterday, for I just left the house without notice and I didn't even text him I went for a party. I took out my phone and sure enough, he had left me dozens of messages. I felt really bad. I was so stupid for doing it. For worrying Phil. He might have thought I was in jeopardy. Damn. I quickly texted him saying I was alright before looking around in a daze. I clutched my head tightly and slowly got up from the floor. The floor was horrifically disgusting I should say, and my clothes reeked of alcohol. I fumbled with the doorknob and managed to open it and regain my balance before I feel flat on my face.

I slowly made my way back home, and people steered clear from me as I was clearly hammered and well, what they say, STAY CLEAR. I groaned at the sight of the flight of stairs that I had to walk up with. I clutched the railing and pulled myself up. I was about to start on another flight of stairs when I felt something crash into me, making me fall back, and fortunately not down another flight of stairs. I swiped my fringe out of the way to see Phil holding our car keys in one hand and a shocked expression on his face. Opps.


"It's okay Phil," I mumbled.


I quickly nodded my head and Phil helped me up. He took my hand and supported me up the stairs. He looked at me with his blue-yellow-green eyes which was clearly filled with worry. I smiled weakly at him and he brought me into the house and showered me with panadol(Advill in some other places) and water.

The house fell silent for a few moments. Awkward silence actually. We just stared into each other's eyes, contemplating who should start first. Phil's mouth opened and closed like a fish taking in oxygen in the water. I beckon him by holding his hands comfortingly.

"Dan, I met my childhood friend yesterday. This might be weird but, she has been my crush since 10. And..."

Phil took a deep breath.

"I asked her if she wanted to be my girlfriend, and she said yes."

I knew it. I fucking knew it. Even though I'm in my hangover state, my mind was clear. Phil is straight and he has a girlfriend. Jealousy surged through me yes I gave him a as-confident-as-I-could 'congratulations'.

I felt really sick all of a sudden and excused myself before running to my bathroom and locked the door. My body slid down the wall and I placed my hands on my face as tears started streaming down my face. No one would understand how I feel. The reason I want Phil so much, is that he helps me. I have been bullied nearly throughout my teenage years. I nearly had no hope on living, until I met Phil on YouTube. His early videos were the light of my life. I still remembered the time where Phil saw me at his meet-up, and told my to stay until when everyone had gone off. He brought me to a café where we started talking, getting to know each other. Somehow or rather, we managed to exchange phone numbers. I 'woke up' from my dream state and remembered that I still had the piece of paper he wrote his phone number on.

I laughed at how pathetic I was and sighed as Phil kept banging on the door, pleading me almost to open the door. But of course, why would I open the door when I was in such a state? I contemplated to just sleep the afternoon. Yet, I wanted to talk to PJ about my crush... On Phil.

I quickly texted PJ and occasionally wiped away teardrops from my phone screen. At the moment he replied with a yes, I unlocked the door and raced to his house as Phil tried to chase me on foot. Soon, the footsteps faded in the distance and all I could hear was my heavy breathing and the sound of passing cars.

PJ did know about my crush on Phil all the way back in 2012 yet I didn't know that PJ had a crush on Chris.

I remembered when I told PJ I was bi and I was scared out of my wits end. Yet, when they came out to us, they were calm and collected... What am I thinking about? It seems that my mind was filled with thoughts from different years, even when I was a kid. I didn't know what was happening, but it was scary shit.

Somehow or rather in my dazed state, I manged to find myself on the street PJ, rather PJ AND Chris lives on. I rang the doorbell but there wasn't any answer. I rang it twice, thrice before Chris swung open the door and looked at me.

"Hey Dan! Long time no see eh? Oh wait, we just saw each other in a two week's span.. Uh... What are you here for?" Chris asked, awkwardly smiling at me. I was about to speak up when PJ beckoned me in from inside the house. He then led me to his room where he locked the door and looked at him. We were playing another awkward staring game.

"This is going to be a long night"

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