Chapter 8 (This is damn late. I apologise)

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Whelp. Sorry for the late update >.< ;_; exams in 2 weeks 要死了。won't be updating until like October...

Dan's POV

"... Well, goodbye."

I watched Phil hang up the phone with his girlfriend. I grinned. We could officially be together.

I slowly inched my hand towards his and grasped them in mine. He held mine too.

I didn't know what happened, but what I do know that it was super awesome. Like supercalifragilisticexpialidocious-ly awesome. I can't believe my dreams that seemed so unwise became so true, one thing on my bucket list completed.

I looked at him, his blue eyes so mesmerizing. The man of my everyday dreams, there, in front of me, holding my hands.

Suddenly, our front door busted open, and in came flying Chris and PJ, tackling us to the group from the sofa. I grinned at their humours foolishness, and laughed along with them. They heard the news from our text messages, which they afterwards started spamming us with questions, like how we became one, how did we do it, and so on.

It was a pleasant site to see, all my best friends (and boyfriend) together, laughing and talking, chatting. But of course, all pleasant things have to end right? No? Yes? No? Well, it might take a few hours at least as Chris and PJ raided the kitchen and somehow got drunk which was weird because we didn't have - oh wait. We did. Oh well.

The drive back to Chris and PJ's house was hilarious yet sometimes annoying. There was times when I wanted to just slap them to stop their drunken murmurs and laughing at basically nothing for it was really loud and sometimes, I could even hear the other cars' honk. But it was those hilarious moments that I'll remember. There are some drunken jokes that are the best that made me laugh till I cried. And through that car ride, we soon found ourselves having inside jokes.

Phil was seating beside me on the passenger seat and was legitimately the best passenger ever. Chris and PJ were knocked out after sitting for 20 minutes in the car (the drive takes 40). For a long time, there was total silence which was kind of awkward and uncomfortable for me and Phil (not really total silence as Chris was snoring. Me and Phil dragged them up the stairs. Opening up their door with the spare key I had, we plonked them onto the sofa and locked the front door.

We got back into the car, but this time, Phil drove.

For a few minutes, all I could hear was the sound of the tires against the asphalt road and the car engine humming.

"Hey Dan, you awake?"

"Yeah, why?"

"You know... we should probably tell our parents, and our viewers that you know, we're together."

I turn my head to gaze at Phil.

"You're right. But what if they don't accept us? What are we going to do?"

Phil sighed. This was a question faced by every LGBT person out there, the thought of not being accepted by those that you truly love. "Well, I guess, we have to live life, we can't stop our love anyways. "

[Timemachine: 12 hours later]

Both Phil and I had called our parents and asked them for a lunch out at Hearthstrone, one of our favourite restaurants. Our hearts raced and our palms began to be clammy. My parents seems to have a grudge on LGBT people, and I really wonder whether they would judge me for me being my own self. Phil is equally worried too, for he also doesn't know how his parents would react.

We made ourselves comfortable on the red booth seats and ordered a milkshake as we awaited our parents to arrive.

Right on time, 15 minutes later, they all had arrived. To start off, we decided to start up small talks about news, politics, currency exchange rates, rent and bills and all that grown-up stuff that adults have to go through once they turned 21. Feeling hungry, our parents and Us decided to order lunch. However, in Phil's and my hearts, deep down, we were just trying to delay the truth from coming out of our mouths.

A hour passed and the tension between be and Phil grew. Under the table, I clutched his has as we braced ourselves for the judgement that we may receive from the people we love.

*ahem* I cleared your throat
"Me and Phil, have something to tell you guy." I trembled as all the attention turned towards us.

"Me, and Dan" Phil started, constantly glancing back at me.

"We are erm... together."

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