Would You Like To Join Me?

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  We stayed at the park until around 10. We looked at the stars while laying in the grass and we held hands. It was so romantic, cliche, but romantic. It was the cause for the big smile planted on my face when I woke up, it's a smile that just wont go away, those are the best kind of smiles.

  Yesterday was so great that I don't even care what happens today. The sun could fall out of the sky and I wouldn't care. Well actually I would care because that would be awful. But you get what I'm saying.

  "Rufus, what do you want to do today?" I asked as I walked past his tank and into the kitchen. I grabbed a banana and plopped on the couch. As I peeled my banana, I heard the distinct sound of my phone ringing. But what room is it coming from? I looked around and listened to my phones cry for me.

  I followed the sound into my room, coming from inside the chair. I held my banana high up so it wouldn't touch the chair, and my other hand removed the seat cushion, but my phone wasn't there. I'm running out of time to find it, it's almost done ringing!

  I flipped the chair over and tried to find a way inside without ripping it, but there was no way in. "Ahhh!" I exclaimed like a warrior going into battle. I ripped the fabric on the bottom of my chair and saw my phone. I grabbed it and answered quickly.

  "Hello?!" But nobody replied. I got to the phone too late. I ripped a chair, to miss a phone call, how fortunate for me.

  "I'm sorry chair, it was strictly business," I patted the chair and walked back into the living room, this time with my phone in my hand. When I sat down I checked to see who's call I missed anyway. It appears to have been Tom, I wonder what he wants. Should I call him back or text him? Texting is faster and easier.

So I typed out my message.

    "Hey Tom, sorry I missed your call, my phone was hiding. What's up?"

  I stared at the screen waiting for a response, for what seemed like 20 minutes, until finally he texted back.

  "I was just about to get lunch, would you like to join me?"

Oh food sounds good.

   "Okay. Pizza?"


  I replied simply, and he answered simply.


  "Meet you there in five."

  Talk about short notice. I wish I could just go in my pyjamas, but I should put on actual clothes. Sweats are actual clothes right? I'd say so. White sweats and a black tee shirt, sounds lovely doesn't it.

  Once I was dressed I drove to the pizza place and waited inside. I even asked for a kids menu so I could color, and connect the dots. I waited for ten whole minutes until he finally showed up.

  "Hey sorry I'm a little late, I was waiting for a little old lady to cross the road," he said and we both smiled.

  "No need to explain, it's not like this is a date so I'm cool with the fact that you were a little late," I said.

  "Good, good," he said simply and looked in the menu.

  "So how's it going," I asked.

  "Fine. I took Sir Bartholomew to get a check up yesterday."

  "I've been needing to visit him. Did he check out fine?" I asked.

  "Yeah he's peachy," he smiled.

  I laughed and said "good. So have you decided on the whole New York thing?" I asked quietly.

  "Yeah I think I have," he took a sip of the water in front of him.


  "I'm think I'm going to go through with it," he said sounding like he's afraid of my reaction.

  "Oh," is all I said. Tears started to form so I opened my menu and put it over my face. I can't believe he's going to go through with it, he's just going to leave us all.

  "Phoebe," he started and moved my menu down, then continued "I have to do this."

  "Why?" I asked as I looked deep into his eyes.

  "Because I can't stand being so close to someone that I love, but they will never love me back.  It's too hard, and I'm never going to be able to move on as long as I'm here in Seattle," he admitted, making things a little more awkward.

  "So your leaving because of me," I stated "I understand Tom. I'm sorry things didn't work out better for us."

  "Me too. Thank you for understanding," he said and I smiled.

  "I'm going to go, um, freshen up," I said and went to the bathroom. I stood in front of one of the sinks and stared at my self. My chest started hurting, exactly the way it hurt when Tom and I broke up. I feel weak but I have to shake it off and go back out there. I can't over react either, Tom deserves to be happy so he should do what he needs to in order to attain that happiness. So keep it together Phoebe. I walked back to the table and sat in my seat. We sat there in the awkward silence. Looking everywhere other then each other.

  "The waiter came while you were gone. I ordered you a slice of chorizo and mushroom pizza," he smiled.

  "I can't believe you still remember my favorite pizza," I said shocked.

  "I remember everything you told me. Because it's all important to you, thus it's important to me," he said staring in my eyes. That's really sweet but it's making me a little uncomfortable.

  "Tom, I'm kind of with Kyle," I said and he smiled sadly.

  "Yeah," is all he said.

  "So are you going to sell your house?" I asked, changing the subject.

  "I think I'm going to see if a friend will rent it from me, that way I can trust that it'll be in good hands," he said.

  I nodded and said "do you know when you leave?"

  "About three months from yesterday," he answered.

  "When are you going to tell the rest of the group?"

  "Soon. Maybe tonight," he shrugged.

  "We should all do something. Ohh I know! The group should go to Dave and Ellie's new house. I've been dying to see it now that they are unpacked. Plus you can break the bad news," I suggested and he laughed.

  "Okay I'll text Dave and tell him that we're coming for dinner."He said.

  "And I'll tell the others. Would you mind if I invited Kyle? I'd like him to get to know the group better, but if it's not cool I understand," I asked hoping that if he said yes, that he is really okay with it.

  "Yeah it's cool. He seems like a descent guy. Plus I want to make sure you'll be taken good care of when I'm in New York," he smiled.

  "Its going to be so weird when you leave. It's like one day your here, then the next, your gone. What will we do without you?" I asked and smiled.

  "Hey, I'll never be gone. I'll only be a phone call away. If you ever need me I'll be here sooner then you can say strawberry jam and mashed pickles," he laughed at himself and I joined him. After a while the waiter brought our food so we ate and talked a little more. It was nice hanging out with Tom, he's a good person.

  Eventually we finished eating and I paid for both of our meals after a big discussion about how I shouldn't have to pay for both. But he caved resulting in me paying.

   He walked me to my car which was next to his.

  "So I'll see you tonight then?" He said.

  "Yeah, see you tonight," I smiled. I hugged him goodbye and got in my car, and just like that, the pain in my chest got sharper. How am I going to survive him leaving?



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