Chapter 77: Going on vacation

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- Aidan's Prov
So it's been over about a year since we saved my parents and now we're a family again and everything is back to how it should be so right now i'm at like a meeting thing and there's thousands of reporters here and grandpa Derek is telling them about everything me and my team did to save me and Alina's parents and he introduced mom and dad then he introduced the ones who came with Alina, Hunter and I then he announced Alina and Hunter and they came in their ninja suits and when we got here, we were trying to decide who should give the speech to tell the reporters how we saved mom and dad but then Hunter walked up to me "You Adrian, it HAS to be you, you're the one who trained us, you should be the one to give the speech" Hunter told me and I was shocked to hear that "But-" I was about to protest but then Alina came up "Master Adrian" said Alina handing me dad's bandana and I looked shocked at them and they all agreed then I took the bandanna "Master...Adrian" I said thinking out loud then I put the bandana on and i'm last so he was starting to introduce me "Now, the one who lead this team to rescue my son and daughter-in-law, the most bravest person I could ever raise as my own, the one who never gave up hope on finding them, please help me introduce my grandson" he started "ADRIAN LYCAN!" grandpa Derek yelled and I jumped out behind the curtains in my ninja suit

 and everyone just went insane with cheering and clapping then I walked up to him "Thanks grandpa" I thanked him "They want to hear how you were able to pull this off" he told me so I nodded then I walked up to the microphone then I cleared my thr...

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and everyone just went insane with cheering and clapping then I walked up to him "Thanks grandpa" I thanked him "They want to hear how you were able to pull this off" he told me so I nodded then I walked up to the microphone then I cleared my throat "A few years ago, I was trained to become a ninja and after what i've learned, I was going to use what I learned to find mom and dad but as I got older, I realized that if Alina, Hunter and I went to the past, we would've created an alternate timeline so our alternate future selves came and warned us what would happen if we did and so we chose not to change the timeline and while I was growing up, I realized that I couldn't have done what we did by myself so I trained everyone here who helped and if it weren't for them, I wouldn't even be standing here right now because after everything my sister and I have been through, it's taught me that you can't do everything by yourself because you can't do it alone so my friends and my family taught me the importance of being a team and if it weren't for them, mom and dad wouldn't be here tonight, so it wasn't just me who did it, it was my friends, my boyfriend, and my sister and cousin who helped me save my parents because it was a team effort so if anything, let's congratulate everyone who helped me save Aaron and Aphmau" I told everyone and after that everyone who was listening were clapping and cheering so I walked off the stage then the reporters came running to me and the other ones went to everyone who helped me and even my parents and they were just throwing different questions at me "Mr. Lycan, who trained you to become a ninja?" a reporter asked then pointed his microphone at me "Lloyd Garmadon, the green ninja, the Master of Energy" I replied "And all the other Elemental Masters" I added then another came up "Where do you get your powers from?" the reporter asked then pointed her microphone at me "I inherited my powers from my great grandfather through grandpa Derek through dad because sometimes Elemental Powers skips a generation" I replied "Any plans on searching for other Light Realm Guardians?" a reporter asked "I hope i'll find more Light Realm Guardians because I was told i'm the last one but if there's more out there, I plan on starting a new generation of Light Realm Guardians" I replied "However" I started and the reporters looked intrigued to what I'm going to say "Realm-Sensitivity is something you're born with and has to be awakened, it can't just happen, you must be born with the connection to The Guardian Realm, you might have Realm Guardian ancestry, but sometimes Elemental Power can skip a generation and sometimes the connection can be too weak for you to ever tap into, but if it's just strong enough, you will have the capability to be trained in The Ways of The Realm Guardians" I explained, you see, when you're blood related to a Realm Guardian and inherited their power, it's what we Realm Guardians call "Realm-Sensitivity" you see, it's a very rare skill very, VERY few are born with these modern days because of their extinction and now I just might be the very last one alive and when someone has it, we call them "Realm-Sensitives" or "Elemental-Sensitives", it's a term used for centuries my great-grandfather has been teaching me, he's not only been teaching me all the new powers I unlocked, but he's also been teaching me the history of our culture and our kind, the history of Realm Guardians who came before me, so I learned A LOT from my great-grandfather Robert Lycan, he was the last Realm Guardian before I was born with his powers, anyway, "Do you have any types of magicks?" a reporter asked "I'm a wizard who used to attend a school called Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, same with my sister Alina Lycan and our cousin Hunter Valkrum" I replied and I honestly don't know if I should continue answering these questions because they're kinda personal "Is it true your father and your grandfather are Ultimas?" a reporter asked and I looked shocked because I can't let anyone know the Ultima exists and that my grandfather, father and my sister are Ultimas "No, that's just some pathetic rumour some jackass made to get our family killed, the Ultima is just some stupid fairy tale created to terrify whoever reads about it" I lied to them because I can't let them know anything about the Ultima being real and i'm an Ultima but I have full control over it because Alina taught me how so they dropped the question about the Ultima "Excuse me for my foul language, I do that when I either get angry or annoyed" I apologized for saying a swear word "Are you planning on taking over your family business?" a reporter asked and I haven't even thought about it but no, I don't want to because then grandpa Derek is gonna have to force me to marry someone I don't even know because that's how fathers who run companies are to their kids but I couldn't answer all their questions because they kept asking too many so I just used my Elemental Power and flew out of there and went to the bank because P.I.X.A.L is telling me there's a robbery at the bank so I got there stealth like and I took them all down but I thought I did but a guy came and aimed a shotgun at me so I did a backflip and he fired the gun but I dodged the bullets because I was trained to learn how to be faster than I normally am and I knocked the person out and I got all the robbers gathered in a pile and I covered them in ice so they won't escape then the police came and I turned to them "Hey officers, I got them for you" I told them then they thanked me "So you gonna take a break from all the stuff you do?" an officer asked "Well, no, I can't, i'm too busy doing your jobs for you" I replied/joked then they went "oooh" or something like that "I'm kidding, i'm kidding" I told them then I walked up to the door "You guys gotta be a bit faster than you usually are, because I am going on vacation" I told them then left and yes, we're going on a family vacation as in like everyone from Starlight Wonderland from the alternate timeline and Marcus gets to come with us because grandpa Derek is paying for the tickets to the resort we're going too so I asked grandpa Derek as politely as I could if he can get a ticket for Marcus and he actually is letting him come with us so I thanked him and told him he's the best grandpa ever so I went home by flying on the Golden Dragon and I went inside then took my hood off "Hey Adrian" said a familiar voice then I turned to where the couch is and saw dad sitting on the couch with Alina watching T.V "Hey dad, and I changed my name to Aidan, remember?" I told him "I'm still going to call you what we named you after you were born" he replied "Fair enough" I replied then I took the shirt part of my suit and I wear a shirt under my uniform but I kept the pants on so I was about to go upstairs until dad stopped me by grabbing my forearm and hugged me tightly "Dad?" I asked "I'm just so happy to see you again, but i'm so sad I never got the chance to watch you grow up" he replied then I hugged back "I'm really happy to see you again too dad, every time when it's my birthday, I always wish to see you and mom again" I replied then we pulled away from the hug but then he gasped "Adrian what happened to your arm?" dad asked shocked as he lifted my arm "Ow" I groaned then looked at my arm and saw my arm was bleeding probably because my arm got slashed from the bullet from the shotgun that robber had and I sighed "I go through things like this all the time dad" I told him "I stopped a robbery at the bank and a robber had a shotgun and he tried to shoot me but I dodged the bullet but I guess the bullet slashed my arm from when I dodged it" I told him then he left and came back with a first aid kit then he started stitching my arm because I needed stitches because my arm had a pretty deep slash and it did hurt getting that needle stabbing me and closing the wound on my arm then dad put gauze on my arm then wrapped my arm up in bandages after he put something on my arm so the slash wouldn't get infected so I moved my arm a little "Thanks dad" I thank him then he kissed my head "No problem bud" he replied then I went up to my room and I got into my pyjamas because it's almost midnight then I looked at my suit and saw that the left sleeve was ripped a bit "You gotta be kidding me" I sighed then I grabbed my wand and pointed it at my suit "Reparo!" I exclaimed then my suit fixed itself then I hung it up in my closet and I also have a suit Cyrus Borg gave me made out of nanotechnology so when I touch it, it puts itself on me because Mr. Borg programmed the suit to only be able to be worn by me and I basically wear it all the time because it covers my clothes and I can wear it to school and no one would know that i'm wearing a suit of mine and because it protects me from pretty much anything because it's like near indestructible armour so that was really nice of him then I started packing my stuff for our family vacation because tomorrow is summer vacation and we're going to Europe and it's also for summer homework for history class that my history teacher set up for me and because mom and aunt Melissa and grandma wanted to go so I got all the stuff i'm taking then I pointed my wand at my stuff next to my suitcase "Pack!" I exclaimed then my stuff i'm taking on our vacation started levitating and folding then put themselves in my bag "Hungry?" I heard Mom ask as she threw a banana at me but it hit me in the side of my face and I turned to her shocked while rubbing where it hit me and she covered her mouth laughing "I'm so sorry honey" she apologized "I thought that you could sense that with your.... Elemental Tingle" she told me and I sighed "Please, do not start calling my sixth sense my Elemental Tingle" I told her "So what's up sweetie?" Mom asked me "You can dodge bullets but not fruit?" Mom asked me "No, it's just, I can't control my new sixth sense and I just REALLY need this vacation, I deserve a very long break" I sighed and she hugged me so I hugged her back "You've earned it" she told me then she checked to make sure I packed everything then was at my doorway "You know what?" Mom asked me "What?" I asked "You should pack your suit and weapons, just in case, I got a tingle about it" she told me grinning and I sighed "Would you please stop saying 'tingle' Mom??" I asked my mother then I started packing a little bit more and stared at the suit Master Lloyd gave to me that I wore at that stage thing "No" I told myself and closed my closet, I then looked at a corner in my room seeing the nanotech suit Mr. Borg built for me recharging but I shook my head "No, no, I'm not packing either, I'm not going to be a ninja on my vacation" I told myself and zipped up my suitcase then I went downstairs with my suitcase and set it by the door next to Alina's suitcase and mom and dad's suitcase and mom, dad and Alina were watching videos of me and Alina's childhood and us growing up then mom saw me "Hey sweetie, come watch these videos with us" mom told me so I walked up to the couch and I was behind dad and he looked to his right and behind him and saw me so I jumped and did a flip then landed sitting on the couch and mom and dad were shocked that I did that "I've been doing things like that for years" I told them then we continued watching videos of me and Alina's past.

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