Ch 30: The Finale

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   "And how long have you been suffering of these nightmares?" The doctor questioned.
   "Ever since I was 6." I responded.
   "How come you've never told anyone? It's been almost 10 years and you've been suffering silently."
   "Well, I thought it would go away. There was a period of time where it did, but it came back even worse."
   "It's okay to talk about it. You know everything is confidential and what we speak about in here will never leave this room."
   "Yes I know."
   There was a slight pause. The doctor wrote some notes down and put them aside. She looked back at me with some half witted smile.
   "My name is Dr Nilla, and if you want to come back, then let your parents know. We all want you to feel better." She said while leading me to the door.
   I nodded and left. I go Mom and Dad in the lobby, then walked to the car. We didn't say much in the car. It felt very awkward to be honest.
   How they found out I had the nightmares was I woke up in a cold sweat two nights before this appointment. They told me I was screaming things like Don't hurt Mommy! or something. I wonder if Mom and Dad got the same thing I did when they were kids.
   "How are you feeling, kiddo?" Mom asked me. She turned to me with a caring smile.
   "I'm feeling okay. Nothing special."
   "I hope you know that your father and I care for you a lot. That's why we sent you to Dr Nilla."
   "Yes, I understand."
   There was a silent pause.
   "Do you think I'll be better?" I sighed, with a worried tone.
   "Of course, sweetheart." Dad looked in his mirror to look at me.
   I didn't respond afterwards. I looked out the window and pondered how much longer I'll be sick. Nightmares aren't supposed to be frequent, only rarely. I don't have anything to be scared of. I want to know why I'm having these moments and why it won't go away.
   I felt tired, but I was afraid to fall asleep. The nightmare might come and I am not risking it. I looked over to Mom and Dad to see them talking - more like murmuring - about something.
   "What are you guys talking about?" I asked.
   "We may bring you back to Dr Nilla. You need it to heal." Dad responded.
   "That's the whole deal? You could've included me in the conversation."
   "Yes. Sorry about that."
   "Is there something you aren't telling me? Because if there is, you have to tell me. No secrets, remember?"
   "We know, we just are thinking about the sessions. Promise."
   Another silent pause overcame us with awkward tension. I gave a small sigh again to fill the car with noise, other than the car engine buzzing.
   "Are you sure your okay with this?" Mom asked me. I nodded her and smiled brightly to reassure her. I wanted to see her happy.
   We ended up going to Uncle Freddy's house to hang with the gang. Roxanne, Farrah, and Charles were there to have a hangout session in the forest nearby.
   As we approached the house, I didn't even give Dad the time to park the car. I jumped out and hugged my friends.
   "It's been forever since you moved!! I missed you Lucas!" Farrah had a big smile on her face. "Are you ready to explore the forest?"
   "Heck yea I am!" Her presence made me feel happy.
   We waved goodbye to our parents before we went into the forest. We played manhunt and while playing, we found a river with a bunch of toads.
   "What happens if we eat toads?" Charles asked.
   "Probably you'll turn into one too! Eat it and test it!" Roxanne laughed.
   "Eat it, Charles!" Farrah joined in.
   As they chanted, I couldn't help but chant too. It was such a childish thing to think. Charles ended up licking a toad and screamed in fear as he wiped his tongue from the slimy creature.
   Along the river, besides the toads and a whiny Charles, was some cool looking vines. We climbed them and tried the trees even. We made a monkey chain with me hanging from the tree branch. The line after me was Roxanne, Charles, then Farrah.
   After the monkey chain, we did more looking around and found a bunker. It looked like a small cabin but without any room to live in. It gave all of us a bad vibe.
   "Who's going in?" Roxanne whimpered.
   "Not me. Maybe you should do it, Charles." Farrah looks over her shoulder to him.
   "No!! I already licked a toad! I'll be lucky if I don't get salmonella!" Charles exclaimed.
   As the three argued over who was going in, I decided to go closer. They looked at me and huddled together with fear.
   "Be careful!!" Roxanne calls to me.
   "I will." I gave a slight inhale and got closer.
   As I got closer, I smelt a horrid odor that burned my nostrils. I felt my heart beat faster as I peek into the boarded window. Nothing was in there.
   I backed up a bit, a little disappointed over seeing nothing. I went to say something before an overbearing screech, making me turn around to see a rotting animatronic corpse. The corpse, you wouldn't believe it. It was Ennard.
   "All your FAULT!!!!" He screamed as he pinned me down.
   I screamed as well, then began to cry heavily. I curled into a ball as everyone ran to me to help me out. I couldn't hear anything what they were saying. They must've not seen what I've saw, which isn't surprising. They decided to run home holding me up to help me walk.
   Lucas Fazbear here, and I have been diagnosed with schizophrenia. Just like my dad. And what you just witness was my reoccurring nightmare about bad things happening to my family.

Lost Gold (Human! Golden Freddy x Reader)(2nd Book)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora