Chapter 5- Saving Scott

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Marissa's POV

"Faster!", Alex calls over the wind. We're both riding on the back of hunting pumas.

"Alex, stop rushing it!", I call to her. How did we get out of the house, you ask? Let's just say it took seven shovels and seven cups of boiling water to get us out of that house that was starting to feel like a freezer. Alex was being STUBBORN because I asked her to leave her Foo Dog behind.

"I don't want to!", she said, hugging it. It took me forever to convince her to leave it. As soon as we got out, the snow flooded our house completely. Now we have to explain to Avery that we need a new house. But that can wait.

I glance at her puma and it looks irritated.
Poor guy.

"Are we even there yet?", she complains.

"Scott lives in Rapa Nui. So no."
"Why don't we use my ship?"
"You can't drive for NOTHING so no. We're trying to survive not get killed", I tease.

Alex glares at me but starts laughing.

"Let's just catch a ship to Rapa Nui?", I suggest.

Alex groans but says, "Fine."

"We'll take the Unbroken Enchantress.", I say.

Alex groans once again. I know how she feels. Unbroken Enchantress is the UGLIEST ship I've ever seen. Its barnacles, its smell, its messy captains quarters, its HORRIBLE service, its RUDE captain. Now I groan.


Alex and I asked Rapa Nui's residents about Scott.

"Scott Kirk lives in that hut over there.", says the Water Mole cheif as he points to a hut next to the docks.

Alex and I walk into the hut and there's no sign of Scott. Then we hear someone moan in pain. Scott?

"What was that?", Alex whispers.

I shrug. We follow the sound all the way to a strip of fabric dividing us from another room. Maybe it's Scott's room.

Alex looks at me then pulls back the fabric and we see Scott, laying in the middle of the floor on his carpet.

"Scott! Are you okay!?", I shriek. I run to his side and sit on my knees and check his pulse.

"Scott? Can you hear me?", I ask.

His eyes are squinted in pain, his floppy blonde hair is covering his face, there are blood stains on his swashbuckler outfit, his sword is at the other side of the room.

"Scott?", I try again.

He lifts his head from the floor and stares into my eyes.

"Marissa?", he mutters.

"Yeah. What happened?"

Alex kneels down beside me.

Scott lays his head down on the floor and mutters.

"There was a dark figure. It came right at me. I drew my sword but it knocked it out of my hand. Then it pushed me into the wall and it gets a little blurry after that. But I saw b-b-brown h-h-hair."

Alex looks at me in horror.

"Was it John?", she asks.

"I don't know. Its face was covered in a dark cloak.", he mutters.

Scott stares at me and says, "My head hurts real bad."

I lift his head up and I say, "You need some medical attention."

He moves his head slowly and it looks like a nod.

Alex and I lift him to the Unbroken Enchantress and we set off to Skull Island.

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