Chapter 3- Alex Snaps

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Marissa's POV

"What was that?", I ask Alex.

"I-I don't know.", she replies.

We both tip-toe to the front door and see even more snow inside the house.

"We gotta close or block this door.", says Alex.

I nod.

"What do we use?", I ask.

She shrugs then starts shaking.

"Are you cold?", I ask.

"Um no. Oh my gosh!", she shrieks.

I jump back, "What!?"

"Do you not see that penguin in a tuxedo standing over there! It has a potato in its hands!"


"What are you talking about?", I ask, suddenly worried.

"Otis will protect us!", she screams.

"Who's Otis?"

"My Foo Dog! He'll protect us!"

"Um, Alex? Are you okay?"


She points right at me.

"Wha-what?", I stutter.

"You will kill us all! Mr. Penguinpants and Mr. Potatoman and Otis shall kill you before you kill us!", she screams then starts laughing like a maniac.

Alex opens up a drawer and pulls out a knife.

"Um, Alex?", I start backing away from her, "Now let's not do something we'll regret!"

"I won't regret killing you! I would regret letting YOU live!", she exclaims.

She points the knife directly at me and starts walking towards me again.

"Alex stop! You're scaring me!"

She laughs like a maniac and starts running towards me with the knife pointed at me.

I scream, turn around and have NO choice but to start digging in the snow at the front door. Alex cuts my leg.

"AH!", I shreik and then crawl into the hole I made.

Alex starts reaching her arm in and tries to stab me but then the snow caves in on top of me.

A Pirate's Life For Me- The Return Of EvilOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora