Chapter 2- Snow Doom

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Alex's POV

I awake to the sound of a faint CRACK!. The room is dark. Is it already night time? I look at the livingroom window. OH MY THUNDERBIRD.

It's covered in snow! I get up and, clutching my stuffed Foo Dog, walk towards the window.

The snow is completely covering the window. I can't even see the sun. All the windows are covered.

"Marissa! Wake up!", I shout.

A few seconds later Marissa comes running in while trying to put her hair in a ponytail.

"What's the-", she stops when she sees the windows, "Is that-"

"Yep.", I say, "It's snow."

"What do we do?", she asks with a worried expression on her face.

I shrug and hold my Foo Dog close to me.

She crosses her arms for warmth.

"I think we left one of the windows open.", she says and shivers.

We both walk around the house to find the window that's open until we come across the kitchen window. It's open and snow is sneaking in through it.

"Uh oh spaghetti-o's!", exclaims Marissa and she struggles to close the stubborn window.

"It won't close!", she says.

"Great. We're trapped inside and we can't get out.", I sigh.

"Have we tried the front and back door?", she suggests.

"Um no.", I say.

"Let's try that."

We try to open the back door but its frozen shut. Marissa opens the front door but a huge pile of snow falls to our feet.

"Seriously!?", I shriek.

Suddenly, we hear a loud crashing sound coming from the livingroom. Marissa and I look at each other before we start running into the livingroom.

"OH MY THUNDERBIRD!", we both scream.

There is snow covering the floor and the windows are all cracked open. The room gets cold.

"What do we do!?", asks Marissa.

"I don't know! Let's close this door and go into your room.", I say calmly.

We both go into her room, close the door, light the fireplace and sit on her bed.

"Now what?", she asks me.

Hmm. I didn't really think about that.

"Maybe a board game? Tell a story?", I say.

"How about a story? I'll go first! Once upon a time there was a beautiful blonde girl named Marissa and she was bored out of her skull. The end"

We both crack up.

"How about a game?", I say.

"Sure. What game?", asks Marissa.

"Sheraids!", I exclaim.

"Yeah! Yeah!", she says.

"Okay. I'll go first."

I get up and start doing a series of a jumps.

"Frog! Monkey! Kangaroo! Ummmmmmmmm. Constipated frog! Ooh! Frog on a sugar rush!", says Marissa.

I sigh and start jumping a little lower.

"I give up.", she sighs.

"I was a baby bird learning how to fly!", I say.

"How was I supposed to know that?"

I shrug.

"How about we sing?", exclaims Marissa.

She gets up, clears her throat and starts singing beautifly, "Right from the start, you were a theif you stole my heart. And I, your willing victim!"

I join in, "I let you see the parts of me that weren't all that pretty."

Both of us, "See, you've been talking in your sleep! OH OH! Things you never say to me! OH OH! Just give me reason! Just a little bits enough! Just a second we're not broken just bent and we can learn to love again!"

We're almost halfway through the chorus until we hear a really loud crashing sound coming from the front door.

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