Chapter 1- Introduction

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Marissa's POV

Alex is gazing mindlessly at a CUTE stuffed Foo Dog on display.

"Alex, do you want to buy it or are you going to look like a stalker and keep staring at it?", I say annoyed.

Alex sighs and turns to me, "I wish I could but I'm broke. I spent all my gold on food and weapons."

I cross my arms and sigh as well. Since it's winter and snow is covering the ground like a thick blanket I can see my own breath. I pull my coat a little tighter.

"Alex, you have to learn how to spend your gold wisely.", I shake my finger disapprovingly at her, "Before you buy something think to yourself 'Is this a NEED or a WANT?'"

Alex sighs dreamily at the stuffed Foo Dog and I can tell what she's thinking. She thinks it's a NEED when it's WANT. Typical...

"Maybe you can buy it for me?", she suggests. She gives me a puppy dog look.

Mother of Thunderbird. I'm SOOO not naive.

"Please?", she asks.

I sigh and pull a pouch of gold from my coat pocket. Yep, there's 100,000 gold in there alright. I look at the price for the stuffed Foo Dog and pull out 10 gold and hand it to Alex.

She smiles really big and runs inside the shop and a few seconds later she comes out hugging a giant, life sized, soft looking, fluffy ice blue Guardian Foo Dog to her chest.

"Thank you thank you!", she squeals. She squeezes the Foo Dog and says, "I'm going to name him Otis!"

I can't help but laugh.

"Now can we please just buy stuff we actually NEED?", I ask distractedly. I stare helplessly at the shop across from me. It sells pets, clothes, weapons, furniture, mounts, food, and plants. I look down at my shoes that are falling apart. I really need some new ones.

"Yeah. Whatever.", says Alex.


Alex and I return home from shopping and I set the bags of food and clothes down on the dining room table.

Alex runs into the living room and sets the stuffed Foo Dog down on the couch then sits down and hugs the Foo Dog.

I smile then turn back to the groceries.

"Marissa! I'm cold!", Alex calls from the living room.

I sigh and walk into the livingroom.

"What do you want me to do?", I ask her.

She holds the Foo Dog close to her and says, "Can you light the fireplace?"

I grab a match and light it. I look back at Alex who is holding the Foo Dog close to her for warmth. I toss the match in the fireplace and the room fills with warmth.

"Thanks!", Alex says.

"Okay. Now I need to put the stuff away.", I say. I walk into the kitchen and remove my coat and hat and set them down on the dining room table then put the groceries away.

After that I walk back into the livingroom and find Alex sound asleep.

I tilt my head to one side and smile then have a seat on the couch across from her, lay down and close my eyes. Alex starts snoring.


I get up, walk into my room, crawl under my covers and fall asleep.

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