Is this love over? ( Cyclone x Fem! Thunderstorm)

Start from the beginning

I know most of you are probably thinking, this is such a cliche and you're probably gonna think that we are just gonna end up happily ever after like one of those Barbie princesses dresses in their extremely large pink dresses together with their genderbends. (What? Ken looks exactly like Barbie, with much shorter hair and a bulkier body.)

Well, you kinda got it half-correct.

It was midnight. Cyclone and I were gonna go to a nearby cafe tomorrow along with some of our friends to hang out for the weekend. Unfortunately, I was woken up half an hour before midnight just to reply Cyclone's text.

Sometimes, I wonder how the heck did I get along with the boy.

According to the text, he wanted to meet up at the small kokotiam that his family had for some generation. It is our usual place for us to study together or to be high on cocoa and do crazy things that should not be said publicly. *cough cough*

After I snuck out of the house in my black jacket and somehow not triggering the alarm, I made my way towards Cyclone's family's shop. I was wondering what he wanted to discuss about at such a late night, where almost everyone was tucked away in their beds and dreaming. If he was going to wake me up at almost midnights just to blabber about which video games he should download, I will skin him alive with a fruit peeler.

After about 15 minutes, I finally saw the little shop. The shop was closed for the night and the big sign that was usually illuminated was turned off. However, I could still see the idiotic boy sitting on one of the counters, swinging his legs while messing around with his phone. As I got closer to him, he noticed me.

"Heya, shortie. You're finally here."

"Call me that again and I'll throw you into a fire."

"Yeah, Yeah. I still don't understand why girls take longer times just to dress up before going out."

"Well, maybe it's because you boys don't even put your clothes on properly. I could see your blue boxers behind your open jeans even from a distance."

"What?!" Cyclone looked down, turned a fiery red color that Blaze would have approved on, and reached down to zip his pants up.

He was still as red as a tomato when he avoided looking at me in the eyes. Annoyed, I snapped my fingers in front of him to get his attention, "Earth to Cyclone. Earth to Cyclone. Are you still in there?"

He waves my fingers away and turned towards me while rolling his eyes. "What is it you want?"

"You called me here at midnight for who knows what reasons. Now, explain."

His cheek faded to a cherry red color but didn't fully disappear when he started talking, " So I wanna confess that - "

"Don't tell me, let me guess. You're secretly a vampire prince and you're gonna drink my blood now. Well then, I promise I'll throttle you until you can't feel your legs now."

"No, that's not what I was sa-"

"Or you're secretly in love with my brother and want me to help you plan a date between you and him. If that's the case, I'll gladly do it if you'll allow me to plan your wedding."

"I am not. Also, stop reading your Yaoi manga comics, please."

"I am not reading Yaoi comics, only manga."

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