4. The Rock Is Where McCracken Is

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The fancy tour bus was on the road, Worm was driving intently in the front area. His concentration on each line and car they passed, he liked driving tour buses despite the size of them. He thought they made him feel macho. Brian sat in the living area with Mikey and Bob talking about the next show. It would be with The Used.

Gerard laid in the very top bunk with Frank once more, the smaller guitarist curled up under blankets, shivering and snuffling. His arms were around Frank's smaller body, holding him close and keeping him warm with his own body heat. Frank was holding onto Gerard's shirt with his one hand and the other hand underneath his head gripping his hair slightly as shivers rippled through him. Gerard frowned ocasionally when Frank would do this, the poor guitarist was still so sick.

"Sugar, you've got a fever." Gerard said, Frank shook his head and snuffled slightly burrowing more against Gerard. "Should we cancel tonights show?" Gerard asked quietly.

"Hell no we shouldn't!" Frank squeaked looking up at Gerard with golden brown eyes.

"Frank, if you have a fever you shouldn't be playing. You can strain yourself doing that." Brian said from the other room, Gerard looked over through the doorway at Brian who was leaning forward on the couch looking at the bunk room. Frank grumbled. "You know I'm right, Frankiestein. We can cancel tonights show, or we can have someone fill in." Brian told him, Frank groaned, but his groan became a cough from deep in his chest.

"I don't want to cancel or have anyone fill in for me." Frank said looking at Gerard again, Gerard sighed and ran his fingers through Frank's hair. He looked at the ceiling.

"We can think about it after we get together with The Used." Gerard announced, he rolled onto his back with an arm still underneath Frank's curled up shivering body. Frank dozed off after a few minutes and Gerard just closed his eyes and thought.

He thought about the past years when he still lived in Belleville New Jersey, back before he met Frank Iero as his next door neighbor and soon to be boyfriend. He thought about the drunken dares he was always doing with Bert McCracken, where their drunken lips would touch and things would go slightly farther than that, but no one in the Gang would ever know of it becuase they never payed enough attention.

He thought about the night he almost killed Bert, yet after all that Bert still forgave him for ending them both in the hospital, he knew that deep down there was some fear that Bert still had of him. Gerard and him would still kiss ocasionally, and hang out much more. Bert would listen to everything Gerard had said, and hold onto every word as if it were his last.


Gerard took a step off of the tour bus, they were in a vacant lot in front of Gamestop. Ray had to go buy a few games with a gift card he got for himself a month ago. He also needed to get stuff to clean his discs with. The Used had agreed to meet them there and go eat at the restaraunt just a few buildings away from Gamestop. It was a sushi place, so Mikey was super content. The bands had at least three hours until the show in the venue a few minutes away.

The first person who Gerard saw when he stretched his arms was Jepharee Howard charging towards him, his tattooed arms spread wide and he leapt in a embracing tackle. Gerard laughed and hugged Jeph back tightly. The shorter man was slurring a bunch of 'ohmy god' and 'I missed you guys!' over and over again. Gerard hugged the tattooed man tightly and then Quinn bounced over to them, his bleached blonde hair flapping with each bounce. Ray came out of the game store and ran over tackling all of them.

"This is a fucking family reuinion!" Ray chanted, the whole thing became a group hug. The happiness continued when Frank and Mikey got out of the bus with Bob and then Dan came over from The Used's van.

From Backstage To The Doctor {Discontinued}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt