1. The Blackened Eyes

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The roar of the crowd, screaming and shouting along. Their black adorned shirts with the designs and labels of the live band playing. The singer jumping around singing out lyrics flawlessly into the microphone. The bass guitarist sweatily playing the notes agressively, hitting them all with percision, his head swaying to the beat. The drummer beating.heavily making the bottom ff the stage vibrate beneath their feet. The two guitarist playing totally different riffs and chords yet it meshed together into one beautiful song.

The singer turned and locked his eyes onto the smallest guitarist, the snaller guitarist was thrashing about crazily, it was almost a challenge for the singer to get as into it as the smaller man. The singer made his way over to the small guitarist and reached up with a snow white pale hand and ran his fingers roughly through the half shaven man's hair.

The crowd screamed along to the lyrics of the first song the band had ever created. Skylines And Turnstiles. The singer ran a finger across the guitarist's cheek bone causing the smaller man to look up at the black haired singer. The singer smiled casually at him and strutted away with a sassy walk to each step. The other guitarist nodded his head to the beat, his awesome reddened gold brown curly fro flailing in the wind.

The band played for one more half an hour and then the next band at the gig played. The five boys walked off stage in a sweaty pile of laughing men full of adrenaline from the roaring crowd and playing and excitement. The singer slung his arm around the bassist and chuckled with him as he adjusted his glasses furiously.

"Fucking sweat, can't even keep my glasses on!" The mousey brown.haired bassist complained. "Can I use your shirt to wipe my nose, Gerard?" The bassist asked the singer. Gerard laughed and pulled away from his younger brother.

"That is more disgusting than Frank not showering for ten days." The drummer with strawberry blonde hair boomed ruffling the small guitarist.

"Bob, c'mon! You were probably worse!" Frank chortled jabbing Bob's stomach. Gerard laughed along with the two roughhousing men and unlocked the large van they called home. A few tech guys carried their guitars and drum pieces to the trailer behind which was covered in stickers from gas stations and bands, fans had drawn on it along eith the band labeling the van 'My Chemical Romance' in big black bold letters. In the middle of the C there was a fan's writing 'I love you guys' along with a tiny heart.

"Mikey, Ray, dont you think Frank's nastiness of non-showering is fuckin' nasty." Bob asked the other guys. Ray, the man with the fro shrugged.

"I've smelled worse." Mikey said nudging his older brother with a mischevious smile. Gerard shrugged his shoulders and climbed into the back of the van to grab a can of RedBull.

"I vote that we go sign some shit." Gerard announced as he crawled out of the large steely coloured van. Frank was busy crawling up Bob's shoulders and playing with Bob's hair fringe.

"Sounds 'bout right." Ray agreed. "I'll come." He added. Gerard highfived FroToro.

"My legs are seriously Jell-O, next show we play, maybe I will." Mikey said, he went into the van followed by Frank who had climbed off of Bob's head. Bob followed the two boys going to go greet fans and talk to them. As they approached the side railing of fans, a young girl caught Gerard's eye.

As Gerard approached them the girl stared at him, she was maybe 16 or younger. A lot of the fans were young.

"Gerard Fuckin' Way." The girl said crossing her arms. Gerard looked at her for a moment, a few of the fans tried to crowd around her and push her back, but she held onto the railing tightly turning her knuckles a pallid white much like Gerard's skin.

"What?" Gerard asked approaching the girl, a few fans reached out to touch him, but he swatted their hands away. He thought the girl looked familiar.

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