Chapter 3

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Mr. Blackbourne's POV:

I surveyed the three men in the room, Mr. Toma on my left, Mr. Lee on my right, and Mr. Morgan sitting across from me. The table was cluttered with documents, and I shuffled the papers in my hands before placing them down carefully. The air in the room was thick with tension, and I looked up as I heard a throat being cleared, meeting Mr. Lee's intense gaze.

"My bet is on Hendricks," he declared, breaking the silence.

"I suspect the same thing," I agreed, my voice steady. We had noticed a series of significant financial discrepancies recently, coinciding with Mr. Hendricks' promotion from a member of the royal council to the head of the royal council.

It started with small amounts of money disappearing from King George's account, and then funds meant for safety maintenance not being utilized properly. The tipping point came when the staff's wages were slashed in half, with no trace of the missing funds.

"Mr. Toma and I, being members of the royal court ourselves, will keep a close watch. I suggest we install cameras in Hendricks' office as soon as possible," I announced, offering my solution.

"I'll reach out to Corey and Luke to assist me. If all goes well, we should have the cameras up by the end of the next council meeting," Mr. Morgan responded, taking charge of the technical aspect.

I nodded in acknowledgment before turning to Mr. Toma, our eyes meeting in silent understanding. "Anything to report, either personal or within your family?" I asked, showing genuine concern.

"We are all doing well. Kaylie finally tied the knot with Blake, and they have already left for their honeymoon. Wil is focused on his college major while also providing tutoring services to a wealthy family in the kingdom," he informed us, his voice filled with warmth.

I then shifted my attention to Mr. Lee, waiting for him to share. He wore a thoughtful expression before speaking. "Things are going well for me. Mum's long shifts at the hospital have been exhausting her, so she decided to take Jessica to visit a family she used to work for as an in-house nurse. It's been ten years, and apparently, the father of the little girl she used to care for has remarried. Mum wants Jessica to meet the new family members."

He levelled a pointed look at all of us. "And no background checks. Mum trusts these people completely, and it's an invasion of privacy to pry into their lives," he stated firmly, preventing any objections.

Turning to Mr. Morgan, I gave him a few moments to collect himself before he spoke. "My parents have been pressuring me to marry once I turn eighteen. They plan to throw a grand ball on my birthday, inviting potential brides from neighbouring countries to expand their power," he confessed, his tone heavy with resignation.

I felt a surge of anger toward King George for his cruelty toward his own son, Victor, whom I addressed as Mr. Morgan. With Victor's impending birthday and the subsequent obligation to marry, his father's behaviour would likely worsen. The king's desperation to retain his throne would undoubtedly lead to more aggression in the coming months.

"Will you be forced to perform during the ball?" Mr. Toma inquired; his voice filled with concern.

Victor sighed and buried his face in his hands, defeated. Mr. Lee reached over, rubbing his back comfortingly. "Don't worry, Vic. We'll find a way to get you out of it," Mr. Lee reassured him, the warmth of their friendship shining through.

"Thank you, Kota," Victor said, looking up with a grateful smile.

I gave them a moment before refocusing on the matter at hand. "Now, regarding the establishment of new training grounds, as Mr. Korba has been sent out today to locate a suitable area, we must ensure its secrecy. Only the fourteen of us and a select few individuals will be aware of its existence. We cannot risk anyone suspecting it as a rebellion against King Morgan or a reformation of the academy," I explained, emphasizing the importance of discretion.

We were all aware of the dire consequences if this endeavor were misconstrued as a revolt. Even Mr. Morgan's royal status as a prince would not shield us from death. The castle officials had been attempting to remove us from the premises for years, and I was certain they would not hesitate to execute us if given a justifiable reason.

Each man around the table nodded in agreement, and a round of assurances followed. "I am willing and will obey," echoed throughout the room.

"Very well, I believe that covers everything. I'll see you all at dinner," I concluded, signalling the end of the meeting. We rose from our seats, preparing to leave the room.

Before departing, I caught sight of Mr. Lee placing a comforting hand on Mr. Morgan's shoulder. Locking eyes with him, Mr. Lee's voice held an unyielding truth as he assured, "Everything will be okay, Victor. We will face this as a family."

I held onto those words, hoping that we would endure the challenges ahead and not crumble under the weight of our circumstances.

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