Chapter 9

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A/n Just a warning this chapter does feature nudity but not in a sexual context.

Sang's POV:

I drain my bath, savouring the warmth as it slowly swirls down the drain. Wrapping one of the soft towels around me, I step out of the bath and begin my search for fresh clothes. To my dismay, I realize that I forgot to bring a change of clothes with me. Holding the towel securely around me, I step out into thebedroom, determined to find the wardrobe Mr. Blackbourne mentioned earlier.

As I wander through the wide room, my eyes scan the walls, seeking any sign of a hidden wardrobe. Just when I'm about to give up, I spot what appears to be the edge of a door frame concealed behind an empty dresser. Curiosity piques my interest, and I find myself wondering what lies beyond it. Would it be against the rules to open it? I debate for a moment, then decide to take the risk and see what awaits me.

Just as Im reach out to move the dresser in front the mysterious door, a loud knock reverberates through the room, causing me to startle. I leap away from the small door, colliding with the dresser in my haste. It topples over with a crash, and I let out a surprised squeal as I tumble to the ground. In the chaos, a lamp goes flying, shattering on the floor alongside a few scattered books.

Before I can recover from my tumble, the main door bursts open, and a towering figure rushes into the room. Panic seizes me until I register who it is.

"Si... Silas?" I stutter, my eyes widening as I gaze up at him.

"Aggele?" His face registers shock, followed by horror as he takes in the scene before him. "You're hurt."

"No, I'm..." My words trail off as I notice a trickle of blood running down my leg, a shard of glass lying nearby. The fallen lamp must have struck me when it crashed down. I attempt to rise, only to realize that my towel is caught under the fallen dresser. In my desperate attempt to free myself, I fail to notice Silas's intentions. Before I can react, he reaches down and lifts me up, inadvertently causing the towel to slip away. I let out a piercing scream, mortified by the sudden exposure.

Unfortunately, my modesty is beyond saving at this point. Silas stands there, his mouth agape, his gaze locked on my nakedness. In his shock, he pushes me away, directing me towards the bathroom. I stumble, falling face-first onto the floor, pain flaring up in my ribs as I cry out. Attempting to rise again, I find myself falling once more.

Suddenly, I feel something soft wrapping around me as large hands lift me up and gently place me on the nearby bed. I open my eyes, feeling utterly pathetic as I gaze up at Silas. His face flushes, and he avoids meeting my eyes.

"I'm sorry," he stammers, remorse evident in his gaze. "I was told to come check on you, and when I heard something fall, I thought you were hurt—which you are—and I didn't mean to lose your towel or push you. I'm so sorry."

His words are filled with genuine regret, and I can't help but forgive him, despite my embarrassment.

"It's okay," I whisper, my mind consumed by thoughts of what he must have witnessed. Surprisingly, it isn't the nudity that upsets me the most—it's the scars that cover my body, each one telling a painful story. What would he think of me, my body was no beauty but rather a marred horrific surface, I can't bear to meet his eyes and see his evident disgust.

"Do you want me to help you?" Silas inquires, gesturing towards the cut on my leg. Though it appears shallow, a steady stream of blood trickles down my leg.

Just as I am about to accept his offer, he hesitates and stammers, barely audible words escaping his lips. He mentions something about getting Doctor Green instead. He still avoids meeting my eyes, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment. I wonder what thoughts occupy his mind.

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