Chapter 13

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Sooo this took longer than I hoped but my edited version deleted its self 🥲. So I've redone it, I was and still am crazy tired so if you notice it changing tense could you pop it in the comments? Anyways I hope you enjoy, we are finally get close to the good part! 💜

Sang's POV

I startle out of my chore-induced trance, the shrill screams of my step-sisters piercing the air. I had been painstakingly cleaning the dining room, a chaotic aftermath of my stepmother's extravagant party. I hastily abandon my task, dusting my hands on my apron as I'm drawn toward the commotion. I step into the parlour, my eyes landing on my stepmother reclining on a couch, surrounded by my three step-sisters who are engaged in a heated dispute over a sealed envelope that is clasped tightly in Marie's hands. Or maybe Danielle has it? Nope Jade has it now.

"Give it here!" My stepmother snaps, snatching the envelope from their grasp, clearly tired of their childish antics.

"Oh, mother, it's from the palace!" Marie squeals, her voice brimming with excitement.

A knot of worry churns in my stomach at the mention of the palace. Could they have sent word of my arrest? I had believed that my whereabouts remained unknown to them. An overwhelming urge to flee before my step mother finds out engulfs me, but I suppress it, knowing that escaping now would only worsen the consequences awaiting me. That is if the contents of the letter is what I suspect.

With deliberate care, my stepmother tears open the envelope, revealing a piece of paper coated in shimmering gold. My step-sisters' eyes widen in anticipation as she peruses the contents of the letter. I wait in with baited breath, my body tense preparing for my step mothers al consuming wrath.

"Well, my dears, it seems our fortunes have taken a turn," she announces with a predatory smile. "The prince has invited every maiden in the country to his birthday ball, in hopes of securing a bride."

It's as if fireworks explode in the room, my step-sisters erupting into wild frenzy. Their screams grow louder as they prance around, discussing the dresses they must wear and fiercely arguing over who will become the next princess and future queen. A smile involuntarily spreads across my face as the fear dissipates. I realize that, as a maiden, I have also been invited. Excitement builds within me at the thought of seeing Vika again—he had mentioned working at the palace. I can only hope he will somehow be involved in the grand ball. However, my stepmother's serious gaze lands on me, shattering my elated daze.

"We will need dresses, Sang, the finest ones from GC Tailoring. You must order four in the colors my daughters and I have choose. Hurry, as I'm sure the demand will be overwhelming," she demands.

"Yes, ma'am. May I also order a dress for myself? I am more than happy to cover any expenses," I inquire eagerly, imagining the possibility of having my own exquisite ball gown. My stepmother looks at me in surprise, while my step-sisters halt their conversation, staring at me with disgust.

"Oh, you foolish child! You will not be attending the ball. We cannot allow a whore like yourself to taint the family name. No, you will stay home and clean. The prince does not need to be burdened by your presence," venom drips from her words, her piercing blue eyes filled with disdain. My step-sisters snicker, and I feel my heart sink. She can't do this to me—I have just as much right to be there as she does. I have no interest in the prince; my only desire is to see Vika.

"I won't even speak to the prince if I attend. I simply wish to visit a friend," I plead, hoping against hope that she will see reason. Her next words dash any hope I had of her approval.

"A friend," she spits. "Whores like you don't have friends. People only tolerate you for one reason, Sang, and it's certainly not because you're a nice person. Do you think I made you a maid and shielded you from society out of kindness? No, it's because you are repulsive. You will not waste fine art on such a horrific model by ordering a dress." The sheer amount of hate in her eyes has my knees almost buckling.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2023 ⏰

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