Chapter 8: The Plan.

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Authors Note:
Ok, I need to make a vow at the end of this chapter cuz things ain't working out. XD

Stalkers POV:

So, it was just another average lesson for the Bad Sanses and The Star Sanses, but little did the know, there was gonna be a twist in the choosing of teams this afternoon.
Nightmares P.O.V

I was looking over at him, our P.E teacher, and wondering what we were actually doing today.

Short while after that I had heard an ear-splitting whistle and I had to cover my 'ears' since I was right next to it as I let out a groan. Damn humans.


I cheered with the rest of the group even though we all would've wished for Basketball.

I was just spacing out when I finally heard my name. I saw his finger pointing at a group of guys and I cheered since I was with everyone. Killer was on the sidelines though since he wasn't much of a dodgeball person, no matter how many times the coach and I have tried to persuade him.

No one could get him off that bench.

I don't actually know where Horror went though.


I turned round to see that Dreamy was on the team and I was facing him. Dust was against Dreams other hyper blue friend and Error was against that gay coloured painter in art class.

Me and Dreamy walked up to each other to shake hands before the game. I couldn't help the smirk on my face widen as I looked at his other team mates.



We got to the other side just before he blew that shrilling monster again.

Let's. Play.

Dust's POV:

Ok. So we lost. That adorable blueberry Blue must've had some sort of candy rush that literally thrashed us all. Even for Nightmare that was difficult!

That's when you know somethings up.

I looked over at Blue and I couldn't wipe the smug smile off my face as he celebrated with his team.

"So you like him huh?"


Nightmare. He can be a bit of an ass sometimes. And as sometimes, I don't know what the heck he is talking about.

"Like him? Who?"

His grin widened at my visible confusion.

That blue kid who's friends with my Dreamy?" He raised an eyebrow at the fact I actually I had know idea what he was talking about.


The minute I heard his name I felt my cheeks heat up. I could have feelings? Ughhhhhhh.

Night was laughing his head off.

"Omg you have an actual soul! Haha!"

He was clutching his stomach and wiping a tear from his eyesocket. I guess out of all people it had to be me to like someone.

Guess that's funny but I decided to pull out a little uno reverse card.

"Well Night, I bet you like someone! Hmmm..maybe.." I longed on, maybe he'd get the point quicker.

"KILLER?!!" I blurted, as he flinched at the mention of his name.

"Yea you better get used to hearing that name! You've been flirting with him lately!"

He looked away and hissed but he turned back with a point he'd just thought of.

"Pft! Affection isn't even an emotion in my system!! Ask Dreamy!"

"B-brotherrrr, that name is embarrassing!!" I heard 'Dreamy' say.

Night like to tease him alot like he's the older brother, when really they're twins, although Night towers over him.

He looked over at his smaller brother amused by his reaction.

"Tell him Dream!" Night literally dragging him into the convo.

"Tell him, who, what?!"

"Tell Dustbin that I can't give affection to people like... K-Killer!..." He said his name with a small smirk, crossing his arms.

"Hey Dream!" I heard 2 voices this time. I looked over and saw gayboy painter and that hyper..adorable Blueberry.

I looked over and grinned at him, and he did the same with the cutest little smile on his face. (Yas my little Blueberry is adorable!)

Dream just stood there, looking like he was gonna say something everytime he opened his mouth, but it just shut again, until he finally said something, but before he did, I turned to see Killer walking up to us and I smirked as we spoke of the devil.

"Well, when he comes nearby, do you start to get, nervous?"

"Nervous? Ha! I don't get....n-nervous.."
He had looked over at 'someone' coming this way.

"Or sometimes start tugging your collar?"

Night was already pulling at his collar, literally doing what Dream is saying, minutes before.

"Haha..why would I do that? My clothes fit just fine.." He trailed off looking quite..anxious as he swallowed.

"Or do you feel your soul almost smashing at your ribcage?"

"What?! No! That's ridiculous!"

"Man Night is a reallllllyyy good liar isn't he folks?" I commented, embarrassing him more. He looks like he was going to pounce at me but just to make matters better, Killer was here.

"H-hey B-boss!" He perked up when he saw Night and immediately started blushing.

Night stopped for like a fraction of nanosecond and just managed we all just managed to see a large blue tint spread across his face as he made a run for it.

"I-Igottagocyaatbasketballpractice!" He practically dashed off, as Killer looked pretty bummed out.

"O-oh..bye boss..." He looked down, almost regretting saying hi.

"He does that a lot doesn't he?" I asked him, feeling pretty sorry his mega crush just ran off when he came.

"O-only when he's really overwhelmed...I guess I'll c some of ya at practice..."
He murmured as he turned to slowly walk out from the door Night sped through.

As soon as he left I looked over at Error.
Well. Error was busy staring at Ink but when I caught him he blushed and he pulled his hat down to cover it.

"Before anything..I ship it." I stated simply, hearing a flustered Error glitching up. Ink was just looking as clueless as ever.

"Anyways! I gotta plan." Everyone turned to me and we were all ears. I rubbed my hands together with an evviiilll smile on my face and laughed maniacally.

"Hey guys you've got to laugh to otherwise I look stupid." Trying not to look awkward.

"Oh. Right."


Blue's was the best cuz everyone was terrified.

This is gonna be fun.
Authors Note: (AN)
"Ok. I vow, that I will post more frequently, and keep a schedule to the best of my ability."

TobyFox High! :3 (GOING TO REWRITE, JULY 30TH)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora