Happy Birthday

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A/N - I've only gotten one discord if u wanna jump in on this (possibly horrible) idea PRIVATE MESSAGE me

Alexander's POV

"Alex!" John whined, I groggily sat up and rubbed my eyes. I had slept on the couch so I wouldn't get sick and had a hard time falling asleep because John wasn't beside me. I trudged into our room and John rolled over.
"What is it, baby boy?" I yawned, John moaned in response and I sat on the edge of our bed.
"My head hurts!" I chuckled and headed to the bathroom. John has always been the steadfast soldier who rushed to my side when I fell but now that he's sick he's a big baby and it's adorable. I gathered the medicine and took my own pills before taking John his medicine.
"Here you go, baby. Sit up." John resurrected himself and his hair stuck out every which way. He took it like a shot and flopped face first into my lap. I felt his hot tears on my thighs and I kissed the back of his head. "Don't cry, Princess. You'll make it worse." I cooed, John sat up and stared at me.
"I have work." He mumbled and tried to get up.
"No, you don't."
"Dad called." He whined. "I need to sign something."
"Then I'll go out and get it and bring it back, ok?" John whined and fell on me again. This time I caught him in my arms and kissed his forehead.
"Fine. Tell dad I said hi." I chuckled and kissed the top of his head. He buried his face in my breasts and I smiled down at him. "You're so beautiful." He mumbled, I giggled and pushed his wild hair back.
"Let go so I can get dressed, dork." I teased, he whined in protest but burrowed in the blankets and let me dress. I wore a nice white blouse and black ripped jeans with my hair in a neat ponytail. I kissed John's forehead before grabbing his keys and jogging into the elevator.

"Hello, Mr. Laurens." Mr. Laurens looked up from his computer and I waved.
"Please, Alex. You're family now! Call me Henry!" He smiled, I smiled in return and sat in a chair in front of his desk.
"John said you have papers for him to sign?"
"Oh! Yes. He just needs to read through these and sign them as soon as possible." Henry's demeanor changed and he saddened a little. "How is my son?"
"He's fine. Also he's a big baby when he's sick." I laughed, Henry laughed as well and smiled.
"Well He always rushes to pick everyone else up but never stops to take care of himself." Henry hummed, I nodded and took the papers from Henry.
   "Thank you. I'll bring these back soon." Henry got up, I followed suit and he walked me to the elevator. He chatted a little bit and he hugged me goodbye. Henry was really trying to be a good father for John. True, it's late but it's better than never.

   "Jacky! I'm home, baby!" I called, I heard rustling and I headed into his bedroom. John was laying in bed sort of dressed and yawning. "Hey, J." I cooed as I sat next to him.
   "Hi, Lexi." John mumbled and pulled me next to him. He laid on top of me and buried his face in my breasts. "Alex...you love me right?" The question took my off guard and I stroked his hair.
   "Of course, Baby. I love you with all of my heart."
   "What if told you that, in a state of delirium, I did bad thing." I raised an eyebrow and shoved my thoughts away.
   "Did you do a bad thing?"
   "Maybe." John mumbled.
   "What did you do, Princess?" I asked calmly.
   "Will you still love me if I told you?"
   "Of course. I love you, John." I assured.
   "I want you to know that I did this because I love you and I want you to be happy. That's all I've ever wanted. To see you smile and hear your laugh. I love you."
   "I love you too, Johnny." I smiled at the ring on my finger and he kissed my chest.
   "Happy birthday, baby girl." I had forgotten about my own birthday, dang. I heard the closet door open and I looked over. A man stepped out and I frowned. 
   "John, who is-"
   "Hey, little nugget." My eyes went wide and John sat up. He smiled sheepishly and I pushed him off, running out of the room. I rushed into the elevator and collapsed on the floor as the tears started to stream down my face. I dragged myself into the corner and sobbed into my knees. The door opened and John stood over me. He closed the door and sat next to me, not saying a word. I fell into his lap and sobbed into his thigh.
   "I'm so sorry, baby." John whispered and played with my hair. "I thought it was a good idea but it wasn't. I just wanted you to be happy. Are you mad at me?"
   "No. No, I'm not mad. I love you." I sat up and straddled him, cupping his cheeks. "Your heart was in the right place." I smiled and a couple tears dropped down his face. I kissed them away and pressed my forehead against John's. "Baby, you need to get to bed. You're burning up."
   "You're more important." John hummed.
   "No, I'm not. Come on." I pulled him off the floor.
   "Do you still-"
   "I love you to pieces, John Laurens." I opened the elevator and pulled John into our bedroom. My father looked at me and smiled. I kept my head down and laid John down.
   "Lexi-" John whined, I giggled and kissed my fiancé's forehead.
   "Let's get you some medicine, baby boy." I cooed, I walked past my father and he tried to talk to me. I ignored him and fixed John's medicine. I brought it back and helped John sit up. "Here ya go, Princess." I cooed as John downed the medicine, I laid him down and kissed his forehead. "Get some sleep, baby. I'll be out in the kitchen, ok?"
   "Don't do the dishes." John whined.
   "I'll do what I want. I love you." I kissed his cheek and headed to the door. I opened it and sternly gestured for my father to exit the room. The second he was out I closed the door and grabbed fistfuls of my hair.
   "Alexandra, let me explain-"
   "Alexandra, please-"
   "I know everything wasn't ok with your marriage but you still had us! You had James and I! You could've gotten a divorce and joint custody of us!"
   "ALEXANDRA!" I stopped and shifted. "I couldn't." I frowned and moved to the couch.
   "You were ten, you didn't understand." James, my father, sighed and I sat down.
   "I'm nineteen, I'll understand now." He sat on a chair and put his head in his hands.
   "I just wanted the pain to end. I didn't want to think about how horrible life was for Rachel or you two." Dad explained. "I started using." A lump caught in my throat and I stared at him. "I didn't want my problems to affect you so I left. I got clean a few years ago."
   "And you didn't call?" I was hurt that he didn't think of his children or wife.
   "I tried too. I ever flew down to Nevis but I couldn't find you. I tried, Alexandra. I really tried." He looked at me and I saw the sincerity in his eyes. "I couldn't find you or James or your mom."
   "Mom-...mom died." I whispered, James's eyes widened and tears slipped out.
   "What? When?" He stammered.
   "When I was twelve. We both got really sick and she didn't make it." I was barely holding myself together and I heard the door to the bedroom open. John stepped out holding a blankets and rubbing his eyes. "Hey, Baby." I cooed, leaning over the back of the couch to touch his arm. "What are you doing up?"
   "I couldn't sleep without you again." He mumbled and laid in my lap.
   "Oh, baby."
   "I'm sorry." He mumbled and pressed his face into my stomach. "I love you."
   "I love you too, baby. Close your eyes." I kissed the top of his head and stroked his hair. My dad smiled at us and I glared at him. Soon John was snoring in q I love my lap and I was playing with his hair.
   "So where is James?" I glanced up and bit my lip.
   "He's gone." I whispered, not wanting to wake up the love of my life.
   "What do you mean-"
   "He died in a hurricane a couple years ago." I mumbled, James put his head in his hands and began to shake. Soon he sobbing and I felt bad.
   "You're the only one left." He breathed, I nodded and he composed himself. "I almost forgot." He got up and pulled a small box out of his pocket. Normally I wouldn't care but I don't know what cane over me and I started to cry. He sat near me, so he wouldn't disturb John, and handed me the box. "Happy Birthday, Alexandra." My father loves my name and the way it sounds so he always called my by my full name. I unwrapped the box and pulled a necklace with an opal ring hanging off it out of the box. I started to cry harder and my attempt to stay quiet failed. John stirred and noticed I was crying.
   "Lex?" John reaches up and wiped my tears.
   "It was your mother's."
   "I know. I remember the fight." Mom had thrown the ring in my father's face the day he said he was leaving.
   "I kept it with me all these years and I've never stopped thinking of all of you. I wanted you to have it." John was still trying to figure out what was wrong and I grabbed his wrist.
   "John! I'm ok, baby."
   "Thank you,...James." James shifted and sighed.
   "I haven't earned that title." I nodded and hugged John back as he clung to me and whispered 'I love you' in my ear. "I'm so sorry, Alexandra." I had a decision to make. Do I let my father back in or shut him out?
   "I need a minute." I got up and dashed into our bedroom slamming the door. I collapsed in a fit of sobs on the bed and someone knocked on the door.
   "Let me in, baby girl?" John called.
   "Come in." I croaked, John came in and closed the door.
   "Baby, what's going on?" John cooed and kissed my forehead.
   "I don't know! I can't stop crying!" I wailed, John pulled me into his arms and I sobbed into his chest.
   "I'm so sorry, Peaches. I'm so, so sorry." John gushed.
   "No, it's not that. I'm happy he's here. I just wish he would've have found me without you and sooner." I stammered. "You've done nothing wrong. You did a very good thing, baby." I assured through tears.
   "Stop crying, love." John cooed.
   "I can't." I sniffed and John wipes my eyes. "Could you help me?" I handed him the necklace and he clipped it around my neck. "Thank you, Baby." I leaned up and kissed him gently.
   "Won't you get sick?"
   "Maybe but I love you." I got out of bed and opened the door. I gave my father no warning in hugging him and emptying my tears in his shirt. It took a moment but he hugged me back and cried too.
   "I've missed you so much, Alexandra."
   "Alexander." I specified, James frowned and pulled away a bit. "Alexander." I repeated.
   "May I ask why?"
   "Mom used to call me her 'little girl' and after she died it never felt right again. James suggested it and I shut him down, saying it was stupid. After he died I was the last Hamilton so...I had to carry on the family name." I explained shakily, waiting for his approval.
   "Smart." He chuckled, I smiled and hugged him again. "So John, you work for-"
   "My father. Laurens Law Firm on seventh." John hummed and sat on the couch.
   "Uh Huh and Alexandra-...Alexander, what do you do?" I froze up and separated from James.
   "I'm a-...a-..." I couldn't form the words to tell him and John frowned.
   "Lex-..." He cautioned. "Did you take your meds, babe?" I thought back and shook my head.
   "I forgot. I had to get your papers." John got up and went into the bathroom.
   "Alexand-er, what do you do?" James asked again, I swallowed and John handed me my pills and a glass of water. I took my pills and grabbed John's hand, squeezing it tightly.
   "I'm a stripper." I blurted out, James's eyes widened and I braced for whatever he'd say.
   "Like...dancing on p-poles?" I nodded and he shifted. "Um...ok." He bit his lip and put his hands on my hips as tears started to drip down my face again. Why am I so fucking emotional? "I'm trying really hard to not be your father." He mumbled, John rubbed my back and laid his head on my shoulder. "Do you like it?" I nodded, he nodded and looked at his shoes. "Um...I can't. I just-...How? Honey, I thought you wanted to be a lawyer? What happened to the big dream?"
   "After the hurricane I was taken to New York in a coma for better treatment and I was homeless for a long time. No one wants to hire someone who was brain dead a few months ago." I sobbed and James hugged me. "I'm sorry!"
   "Oh, honey. No. No, it's not your fault. I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you." He hugged me tightly and I hugged him like he was gonna leave again.
   "Please don't leave me again?" I choked.
   "Never. I promise."
   "Please. Please don't lie to me."
   "I'm not. I promise. I swear."
   "You can't lie, dad." I cried.
   "Dad? Dad! Oh, my daughter! My precious little girl!" I didn't care that he misgendered me, he was happy and that's all that counted. "I missed you so much."
   "I missed you too, dad." We sat on the couch and John laid back down in my lap. "Get some sleep, John." I hummed, we waited for John to fall asleep and my dad and I chatted all day. He got my gender down and burned it into his brain that it was 'Alexander' not 'Alexandra'. I checked the time and found it was time to give John more medicine. "Wake up, Baby."
   "You two are pretty close, huh?"
   "Yeah. He's absolutely amazing." I stroked his hair and kissed his head.
   "What about your...job?"
   "It's kind of the reason we met." I chuckled, I finally got John to wake up and I continued telling my story to dad. John made delirious (very sexual) comments and my dad mostly laughed but gave him a few looks. I gave John his medicine and checked his temperature, kissing his forehead.
   "It's time for bed, Princess." I cooed, I took John to bed and tucked him in.
   "Why do you call him 'princess'? Wouldn't you be-" I giggled and brushed John's cheek as I pulled the blankets around him.
   "Yes but I call him princess because he calls me Peaches so it's fair." Dad laughed and John moaned and whined.
   "My head hurts!"
   "Is he always like this?"
   "No." I turned my attention to John and laid him back down. "I know, baby. I'm sorry." I turned my attention back to dad and smiled at John. "He's just a big baby when he's sick. It's cute. He's always cute." I gushed and started to get up.
   "No! Baby, stay!" John pleaded.
   "Just give me a minute or two to say goodbye to my dad, ok? I'll be back, baby. I promise." I kissed his cheek and pulled my dad out of the room.
   "How long have you two been dating?"
   "Actually. We're engaged." I grinned, my dad's face lit up and he hugged me.
   "That's amazing, Alexander!" He pulled away and looked at me expectantly.
   "Are you gonna show me the ring or what?" He laughed, I giggled and showed him the ring. "How'd it happen?"
   "Well remember when I told you how John and I met?" He nodded. "Well he took me all around town, showing me all the spots we'd been to and in the end he took me here. He took me to the bedroom and said 'this where I asked you to stay and this is where I'm asking you to marry me'." I gushed, dad grinned and hugged me again.
   "When's the wedding?" He grinned, I shifted and looked at my feet. "Was that too fatherly?"
   "Only a little bit." I mumbled.
   "I'm very sorry. I should get going anyway."
   "Oh yeah." We said our goodbyes and I walked him out. I returned to John and undressed down to my sports bra and boxers. I laid down with John and he snuggled into me.
   "I wanna change the date." He mumbled.
   "What date?"
   "The wedding." He yawned. "I wanna marry you ASAP."
   "What do you have in mind?"
   "Next month." I snorted and John looked up.
   "Deal, babe." I kissed his forehead and fell asleep.

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