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John's POV

Alex looks amazing, the way that dress fits him and it suits him. He's wearing my corat now which makes him even cuter but he keeps pulling it over his breasts. I took his hand and lead him to the hostess counter.
"I have a reservation."
"What's the name, sir?"
"Laurens." She checked it and smiled.
"Right this way, Mr. and Mrs. Laurens." Alex and I blushed but didn't say anything. We were seated and asked stared around. I find it adorable how he looks at everything with awe. Here I am, falling deeper and deeper in love with him. Alex pulled my coat around his small frame again and I chuckled.
"Some old lady is staring at me."
"Stare back." I chuckled.
"What?! No!" Alex frowned and I laughed.
"Hey, if she's got a problem with you and your adorable body then she's gonna answer to me, ok?"
"Now move the coat. I wanna get a look at you." I grinned, Alex blushed and pushed the flaps of the coat away. "You look amazing."
"Thank you." He mumbled.
"What may I get you to drink tonight?" Alex jumped and I smiled.
"Um...what kind of soda do you have?" I asked, mostly for Alex. I've been here with my dad before. The waiter listed off all of the sodas and Alex perked up on root beer. "I'll have a cherry coke and I think this one wants a root beer." I chuckled, Alex nodded and the waiter left.
"Thanks. I don't think I would've been able to open my mouth." Alex chuckled dryly and fiddled with his skirt.
"What did I do?" Alex looked up and frowned.
"What did I do to deserve you?" Alex blushed and looked down.
"What's that supposed to mean."
"It means I'm dying! Cuteness overload!" I dramatically slumped in my chair, making Alex giggle and blush. I laughed and Alex smiled. The waiter brought us our drinks and I started looking st the menu.
"Yes, hun?" I glanced up and Alex swallowed hard.
"Literally all of this is worth more than my life." He stared at me and I chuckled.
"That is a lie and don't look at prices." I smiled.
"I can't-"
"Yes, you can. I'm paying and it's fine." I smiled, Alex blushed and sucked on his straw.
"I've never heard of half of this." He mumbled, I laughed and leaned forward.
"Alright. Let me help you." Soon we had ordered and we were chatting. We chatted about my interests and we chatted about Alex in general. We're currently talking about stripping and Alex is giggling on about the first time he fell.
"And instead of actually grabbing the pole, I grabbed my own shoulder and just wham!" I laughed and Alex giggled. "It was not attractive or graceful. There was a loud thud and everyone laughed, I cried." Alex chuckled, I giggled and I felt a tap on my shoulder.
"Excuse me?" A lady about my dad's age glared at Alex who fidgeted.
"You're talking about things nobody wants to hear about." She growled. "It is disgusting and vial. Whore." Alex stood up and darted off in the direction of the restrooms. "Serves her right for being a slut."
"Ya know what, lady? I don't care what you think about him but he is a wonderful human being and you are vial!"
"Him? That is clearly a woman. You're delusional."
"Holy shit. Can you be anymore fucking transphobic?"
"That is a woman and a poor one at that! I mean how can one have such small breasts? And those shoes? Revolting! Don't you think, honey?" She was talking to her husband and I shot up.
"Why are all rich people so damn toxic!" I stalked off to the hostess desk. "Hi, my date has been in the bathroom for awhile and I'd like to personally make sure she's ok."
   "Um...sure. I'll make sure no one goes in." I ran into the restroom and heard the shaky sobs of Alex.
   "Alex? Baby, where are you?"
   "She's right." He choked, I found his stall and knocked on the door.
   "Let me in, Baby Girl."
   "I'm a whore." He wept.
   "What?! You are not a whore." I peered under the door and sighed. Alex sat with his legs crossed so you could see his boxers and the top of his dress was down to expose his black lace bra. He was in the biggest stall so there was plenty of room to crawl under the door. I sat next to Alex and he immediately fell into my lap sobbing. "Oh, baby." I sighed and stroked his hair, wishing I could make everything better.
   "I'm a whore. That lady's right! I'm disgusting and vial! I am-"
   "Beautiful." Alex stopped for a moment but didn't look up. "You're gorgeous. I've never seen anyone in my life more beautiful than you." Alex looked up and I smiled.
   "Oh, absolutely." I wiped his tears and kissed his forehead. "Now, let's see if we accidentally did the thing."
   "Did the thing?" Alex sat up and so got some toilet paper, drying his tears and fixing his mascara.
   "Yeah! It's when you go to the bathroom and when you come back your food is waiting for you." I pulled his top back onto his shoulders and helped him to his feet.
   "Can you zip me?"
   "Of course." I zipped him up and pulled my coat around his petite frame. "That lady is just mean."
   "Hm?" I paused fixing his appearance and smiled.
   "I'm sorry you have to been seen with me."
   "Are you fucking kidding me?! You are amazing!" Alex blushed and I kissed his cheek. "With or without the clown paint you're still super cute and I'm so glad I get to take you out tonight." Alex grinned and squeezed me in a hug.
   "I'm hungry!" We stumbled back to our table in a fit of giggles and Alex gasped when we 'did the thing'. Honestly...can I marry him? The lady scoffed when she saw Alex and I just stared holed into her. "Jacky, it's not worth it. She's just another mouthing breathing cocksucker." Alex spat, the lady gasped and stared at him with disbelief.
   "How dare you insult me! Do you have any idea who I am?"
   "Don't know, don't care." Alex shrugged and shoveled food in his mouth.
   "Ugh! Chew with your mouth closed, whore."
   "How are you on a date with that?" She whispered to me.
   "Simple. Look at him. He's adorable." I giggled.
   "C'mon, honey. We're leaving." She grabbed her husband and they left. Alex and I started laughing as the waiter brought our check. I grabbed it before Alex could see it.
   "So, Lexi, Where is the club?"
   "No, no, no. You are not going there."
   "I don't wanna go. I just wanna know where so if I need to pick you up I can get there." Alex sighed and nodded.
   "Yorktown." I nearly choked.
   "You dance there!"
   "That's the biggest club in New York." Alex chuckled stiffly and I smiled. "Laf is gonna kill you."
   "He goes there all the time."
   "I thought I saw that hair somewhere." We burst out laughing and the waiter took my card. We chatted while we waited and I kissed Alex's hand I don't know how many times.

   "So." We were inside the elevator now and I was grinning. "Now what?" Alex smiled.
   "Well, this is normally the part where you say 'I had fun tonight' and I say 'we should do this again'. Then you say 'yeah, I'd like that' and then you walk in the door because this is your porch." Alex laughed and I smiled.
   "I had fun tonight."
   "We should do this again."
   "Yeah, I'd like that." He waited a beat and looked at the doors. I may or may not have been keeping it closed. "The doors aren't open. What now?"
   "This." I placed my pointed finger under his chin and turned his face up, leaning in. I closed the space between us and Alex melted into the kiss. He snaked his arms up my chest, leaving his left to rest on my shoulder and his right hand on the back of my neck. I held his chin between my thumb and forefinger with my right hand and placed my left on his hip. The doors slid open and I pulled away. Alex's eyes stayed closed for a moment before fluttering open and staring deeply into mine.
   "Holy shit, you're an amazing person." Alex let his arms fall and we stepped into the penthouse.
   "Alexa, play my playlist."
   "Can you unzip me?"
   "Yeah, c'mere." I unzipped him and Alex let the dress fall to the floor. He now stood in only boxers and his lace bra. He scooped up the dress and threw  it on a hanger. He hung it in the closet and grabbed one my t-shirt. He discarded his bra, threw on my t-shirt, and dove into our bed. I laughed and pulled my coat off. I stripped to my boxers and laid next to Alex. "Is my baby girl tired?" Alex nodded and snuggled into me.
"Night, Princess." I blushed and grinned.
"Night..." I thought long and hard choosing a nickname for him. "Peaches."

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