Seventh Wheel PART 2 (FINAL)

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"Yes...I did."

        Lance had thought that Keith would be better off without him and that he just needed a little push to that realization. Instead of keeping everyone away from feeling any pain, he just wanted to end his. He was selfish for that.
         Keith reaches over, roughly taking a hold of Lance's shoulder, shaking his body in anger.

"How could you do that?! Why didn't you come to me?! Open up to me?! Do my feelings even matter to you?! You selfish asshole!"

           Keith's body began to tremble uncontrollably as he withered against him, falling to his knees. They were in space, there wasn't a hospital they could go to and he wasn't even sure if the Altea pods could even heal something like this. The pods were designed to heal wounds, but an overdose wasn't technically a would. Right?
            Lance knelt down beside him, trying to pull the trembling boy into an embrace, only to be pushed away.

"I love you and I care about you, why would you choose to die..?"

"Well... I just thought that I wasn't important to the team. Sure, I pocket the blue lion, but anyone can do that. I'm not an excellent fighter like you, a great leader like Shiro, I'm not a genius like Pidge,  A caretaker like Hunk, and I'm not an ancient alien being. I'm just a goofball, you would be better off with someone else."

"Are you joking?"

        Lance looked up, seeing no more tears falling from Keith's eyes, only seeing the previous tears making their way down his face.

"The blue lion chose you for a reason, they don't just choose anyone. You don't have to act like everyone else, that won't make you special. You are a goofball, you make jokes that make people laugh. You are part of what keeps us going. You show us that there is always a bright side to things, without you, we would have no spirit and everything would be sad and depressing. I fell in love with you for many reasons, do you honestly thing that I would have confessed to you if I didn't think you weren't perfect for me?"

           Hearing all of that made Lance's emotions fall. He had never thought of it that way and hearing his boyfriend say it made him feel loved and cared about. But it was probably too late to change the outcome of his soon to be fate.

"Do you really mean all of that?" He asked, his mind clouded and his vision slowly started to blur.

"Of course I do, I would never lie to you!"

"Heh, that's a relief..." Lance slowly fell against Keith's body, being too dizzy to hold himself up. He just needed to close his eyes to keep stuff from multiplying and to rest his eyes for a little.

"Lance..? Lance!"

"Judging resting my eyes for a moment, then we can go back to the team."

"No! Keep your eyes open! Coran, get a pod ready!"

         Despite whether the pod would actually work for something like this or not, Keith would try anything to help Lance out if his state.

"What's going on? Hey, what happened to Lance?" Pidge walked in, seeing the two on the floor.

"Just get a damn pod ready, I'll explain everything later!"

Pidge turned and ran out of the room, knowing the situation had to be bad. Keith turned back toward Lance, resulting a hand on his cheek as he lightly slapped him.

"Hey, just keep your eyes open for a little bit longer. For me, please." Keith's eyes started to swell up with tears.

Lance tried to pray his eyelids open, but his brain and nerves weren't responding to his silent orders. His mind was foggy and he couldn't seem o focus. He was dizzy and he felt himself slipping away.

"You know I love you, right?" Lance spoke, very dazed.

"Yeah...yeah, I know. I love you too." Keith replied with a small smile, smiling through the pain in his chest and the tears falling from his eyes.

That was all he needed to hear. To know that even if no one else liked or loved him, at least he knew Keith did. Lance let his body relax, no longer fighting the darkness that crept up on him. Some could say that "he was at peace" or that "he was accepting his fate." Honestly, it was both. Letting himself drift away, he could no longer feel Keith's grasp and couldn't hear his voice call out to him for it seemed to fade away till he could no longer hear anything. Lance imagined himself drowning in the ocean as he finally let go of his last breath, letting the ocean consume him and take him away.

Keith's worst fears had come true. He left Lance's body go limp and his chest had no longer been rising to indicate that he was breathing.

" no no no! Wake up!" Keith began to violently shake the Cuban male that laid against him.

"Lance, please don't leave me... please." He sobbed, his own arms going limp as he slowly started to give up.

Keith cried out, holding Lance's body in his grasp, refusing to let anyone get near or touch him. He was mad. Mad at himself for not trying harder, mad at the team for not getting the pod ready fast enough, and mad at the universe for taking away the love of his life before he got to see his family one last time.

But Keith swore to fight till the war was over and bring Lance back to his family. Tell them he stories of where Lance had been and now he was a big part of the reason they saved the universe. For he was their cool ninja sharpshooter and he would go down in history.


Look, we finally got Langst, I think? Idk, we finally got something to happen to Lance! Though that isn't really a good thing, but it's better than constantly making keith die or something.

Finally updated, hope you guys are proud. I thought that if school started, I would have more motivation to write, since I like writing instead of doing my school work. But sadly, there are too many judgmental kids I my classrooms, so I haven't been writing.

Away, hope you guys have a good day/night. Remember, suicide isn't the answer and if you ever need someone to talk to, im one click away.

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