Please Dont Leave Me (Klance) Part 2

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        The sound of metal hitting the cold, iron floors caused the red paladin to awake, right back in the cell he had been in once before.

But he did not remember that.

He didn't remember anything.

  No recognition of any memories till the moment he awoke.

"Hello? Hey, get me out of here!" Keith began to scream, trying to break the chains that held his wrists to the wall.

"What is this?! Get me out!" He continued to scream, till the sound of a door slid open.

       There a shadow-like figure stood, white hair flowing down his back.

"Who are you-."

"Oh, thank goodness! You are alright!" The other male erupted excitedly, opening the cell doors, and running to hug Keith.

      The action caused Keith to kick his legs forward, warning the other male to not get close.

"What? Do you not remember me?" The white haired, purple skinned male asked, sadness covering his tone.

  He was a good actor

"I'm Lotor, your general." The man spoke after seeing Keith's confused expression.

"No, I don't remember. I'm sorry."

"Oh...I see." The turned away and began taking his leave.

"Wait! I think I might recognize you... just a bit." The boy shouted, not having any idea of what he was talking about.

      This coughed Lotor to smirk. He had the boy thinking that he knew him.

"Oh, baby! Thank the gods, I thought you would have forgotten about me!" The male ran back, hugging the confused boy.


       Lotor faked a sigh.

"I guess you can't remember everything. You and I are dating and this place is your home... in space." Lotor brainwashed him.

"Unchain him!" He shouted orders.

      Two galra soldiers walked up toward Keith, giving him some sort of disgust feeling in his stomach. They grabbed the chains rather harshly before releasing him.

"Now, come with me. I'll give you a review on everything you forgot." Lotor grinned.

     The purple humanoid figure reaches out to Keith, waiting for him to take his hand. Keith hesitated at first before returning the gesture, taking ahold of the others hand.


   ~2 weeks later~

        After Lotor had gotten Keith to believe that he knew him and that they were dating, Lotor went straight to teaching him all about the galra and how Voltron was the enemy. He called it, "Forgotten lessons."
      Lotor knew that the paladins of Voltron had not given up on their friends and knew that the sight of their red paladin fighting with the other side would weaken them.

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