Born on the Wrong Side (Klance FINAL)

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Keith was put in surgery as soon as they got there, them fearing that it might already be too late, due to the time taken for the ambulance to arrive and drive back.
              Lance waiting impatiently, wanting them to hurry up and let him see the other boy, but knew that he couldn't rush him or his life would have less of a chance of surviving.

   During the surgery, Keith's life was taken from him.


During the surgery, Keith's life was taken from him. The doctors and nurses tried everything to get his heart to beat again, but failed to do so. Devastated, they told Lance of the bad news, causing the Cuban boy to freeze up in shock and fear.
He didn't blame himself, knowing that it wasn't his fault that his lost loved died. He blamed those that made him like this and sought to find them.


It has been two weeks and Lance was still trying to cope. He had not heard from Shiro since that night and was too ashamed to stop by to see if they were okay. Today was Keith's funeral, proving that the boy was really gone and wasn't coming back.
To everyone's surprise, it wasn't raining. It seemed to have been raining more and more lately, so people brought their own umbrellas and jackets. Lance had been in no condition to drive and had to have his friends, Pidge and Hunk to come pick him up.

The ride was quiet, nothing being no happy, laughing matter on such a sad day. Within the two weeks, they tried to get Lance to go out and get some air, but failed to succeed. They knew that things like these took time and would check on him constantly, so he wouldn't do anything harmful.

~~~~ (sorry about the skips)

Everything was well decorated, but nothing too colorful though. The common colored theme consisted of black, red, and white. Not many people were there, but then again, Keith didn't really talk to many people.
Pictures have been placed all around the room, some from when he was a kid and others as a teenager. In another room was where all the flowers and the coffin was hell. Lance couldn't bring himself to walk in there at the moment.
Not too far away, Shiro and Adam stood on the side of the coffin. Shiro cried as Adam tried to comfort him, trying to act strong, but you can see the tears that escaped his barrier, showing that he was breaking.

Seeing the two caused Lance's heart to ache more, looking away before he let himself cry in front of everyone.

"Alright everyone, please take your seats. Remember, family members in the front, friends in the second and so on. We got two speakers today, so can Takashi Shirogane come up here please?" An unfamiliar man walked in, he seemed to be the priest.

Everyone scattered to find a place to sit, Hunk and Pidge having to come by and lead Lance to sit, careful not to let him fall. Tears being whipped clean on his face, Shiro got up, giving Adam one last look. Once he was up on the stand, he rummaged around with a piece of paper before giving up and tossing it to the side.

"Today is a very sad day for us and for the world. We lost someone who could have possibly changed the world." He cleared his throat, and you could tell that he was already tearing up again.

"Keith knees the dangers of this world. He knew a lot more about the world than I ever would and he wanted to change it. He was a stubborn kid, but if you went through the things he went through, you would act the same."

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