Left Behind (Langst)

535 8 3

(Published August 15, 2022)

Hey guys! Lots of things will be changed on this story. Some published stories will be deleted and others will be rewritten! I like to think my writing has improved and things won't seem as rushed anymore.

So, I hope you enjoy this angsty peace and if you have any suggestions of things you want to see, leave a comment!!

⚠️Mentions if suic;de. Please do not continue if it triggers or makes you uncomfortable⚠️


        "Tío Lance, tío Lance!"

        Lance turned to look over his shoulder, seeing his nephew and niece running toward him. The two were pretty young, around the ages of five and seven. The Cuban boy stood up, dusting the dirt from his hands onto his jeans. The wind blew lightly, causing him to have to reposition his gardening hat.

"Cleo! Miguel! What can your amazing uncle do for you?" Lance spoke with a smile.

"Tell us the story about the paladins of Voltron again!" The little boy cheered.

"Please! We wanna hear it again!" The little girl then pleaded.

        The retired paladin began to chuckle. "Again?" Although his tone sounded shocked and in disbelief, it was no surprise. The two asked to hear about the story about two times a week. Lance didn't mind it though, he was happy they had heroes to look up to. Miguel had even told Lance that he was his favorite paladin. Cleo had actually favored Allura and Keith more, and although he respected her opinion, Lance could not understand what she saw in Keith.

"Alright, alright. Y'all have pulled my leg." Lance gave in.

        The man took off his gardening hat, slapping it gently on top of Cleo's head. Reaching down, Lance grabbed both their hands. He started the story from the beginning, talking about how they found the blue lion and from then on had awesome adventures and battles in space as they strolled along the beach.


        "And then Keith came down and slashed Sendak with his sword! Allura sacrificed herself to defeat Harvona and seal off all the dimensions from the other universes."

        The kids had their mouths open in shock, as if they had just heard it for the first time. 'And where did you say the lions went?" Cleo asked, having forgot that part of the story.

"I don't know, they just flew away." Lance hummed.

"Why do you think they did that?"

"I think they went back into hiding. So that if the universe ever needs Voltron again, they will be there for the next chosen paladins." He tried to explain, but couldn't find the words to explain it well enough.

        Their nice walk on the beach came to an end when Lance's mother, Rose, called out to them for dinner. The two kids ran ahead, their faces gleaming.

"How much you wanna bet I'll be one of the next paladins?" Miguel asked in a cocky tone.

"I wanna be a paladin too!" Cleo yelled out, discarding Miguel's question.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2023 ⏰

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