It's time

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Sanem tried to sleep, to rest her mind but her inner voice was there to remind her again all the things Polen can offer to Can, especially right now, and she can't.

"Her figure isn't ruined like yours. I mean you said it yourself. You can't even see your toes." She says ironic "And he still is his gorgeous self. And she still hasn't give up on him. If she had she wouldn't be here, in YOUR house, talking with YOUR husband in YOUR living room."

"You're right. You are so right. Why would she come all the way here? But she didn't know I'm pregnant, she thought she had a chance to get him back!!!" she says with a low voice, since she was supposed to be sleeping.

"But I'm carrying his children. Not one or two, but three children. I have the upper hand here, not her."

"That's my girl!! Now go out there and show her who the boss around here is!!!"

"I'm glad we are on the same page on this one. I'm going!!" It took her two minutes to get up from her bed and stand, but that's beside the point. She knew that changing clothes wouldn't help her case so she decides to walk in the living room with the confidence of a woman who carries three lives inside her.

* * * * * *

Can all this time was trying to be polite, a good host. He put distance between them when she reached to touch his hand, and tried to keep that distance not only physically. When she tried to learn more about his life and how he's handling the sudden pregnancy he said only the things that were necessary.

"Yeah it was something unexpected for sure but definitely not unwanted. We wanted to have a big family sooner or later so... It's a true blessing. And I wouldn't change it for the entire world." He says firmly.

"But don't you miss your old life? The Can I knew..."

"The Can you and everybody else knew is gone. The new and improved Can is here to stay."

"That sounds like a slogan commercial my life." Sanem says as she walks in. "It's catchy I have to admit." She sits next to Can and she smiles at Polen.

"My one and only, I thought you were sleeping." He kisses her cheek and puts a pillow behind her back for better support. "Aren't you tired?"

"I am, but your daughter thought otherwise. I'm telling you the minute she's out she's your responsibility. He's going to have his hands full Polen when they decide to come. No time for anything else, not even me..." She looks at them with shock.

"They? As in more than one?" The look in her eyes, like she finally realized that this ship has sailed for good.

"Three to be more specific, a boy and two girls. You didn't tell her my love?" Her hand jumps on her belly.

"You ok? What happened?"

"A sharp pain, but I'm fine now. So Polen, what are you doing with your life right now?" She feels another jolt on her lower back.

"Can something is wrong." His hands fly to hold her. "I think my water just broke." Panic in her voice as Can looks at her petrified.

"Baby calm down, we practice this ok? We get the bag go to the car and get to the hospital." He's frantic too but he tries to hide it.

"Yeah but I wasn't in pain when we did all that!!!" she squishes his hand. "Ok it's over, for now." She's breathing all the oxygen she couldn't breathe until now.

"What can I do?" Polen says as she stands up.

"Go to the company, inform my brother, tell him to call everyone." She leaves and he turns to Sanem "Can you get up? Really slow, ok?"

They get to the car and Can runs back to the house to get the bag with the necessities and lock the doors. On his way to his car he meets Mihriban who gives up everything she was doing and joins Sanem at the back of the car. During the ride her screams were getting louder and louder. In the meantime, when she wasn't in pain she was trying to apply the breathing methods her midwife taught her the past few months.

He declines all the calls from her parents, his brother, everyone and they get to the hospital in no time. Their doctor was waiting for them upstairs. A nurse sits Sanem on a wheel chair and he follows them. He stays a little behind leaving Mihriban in the waiting room, where she will expect the others, when he hears her screaming his name and he runs.

"CAAANN!!!" she yells.

"I'm here babe, I'm here." She grabs his hand so tight and she hits him with the other. "Everything happened because of you!!!" she motioning to her belly as she tries to breathe.

"That was your dream! I have fulfilled your dream!" Can says trying to joke about it, but his face says otherwise.

"Can three babies come out at once?" she says with her loud voice.

"Why would we be coming back again and again? You will thank me later."

She wanted to yell at him but she feel one of the children pushing "Can it's coming!!!!"

He never left her side, he was there even when she was kicking him out, even when he felt like he would faint, he never left her alone. She had a normal childbirth. As suspected, Yildiz was the first one to arrive to this world. The moment Can heard her crying he wanted to take her in his arms and protect her from everything evil. She's a blond bundle of joy and she stopped crying the minute the nurse wrapped a blanket around her.

Sanem tried to stand to her elbows to see her but the doctor didn't let her. "You'll see all of them after the pediatricians examine them, for now we have to push the second one out."

She takes Can's hand, he kisses her forehead and whispers to her "You can do this babe, come on." After a minute Ates is born. He's the cutest baby boy Can had ever seen, and not because he was his. His son, he's a father now. The realization strokes him hard. They are parents, their only responsibility now it to protect their kids. He's crying, he can feel the tears streaming down his face.

"Ready for the last one Sanem? She's almost here, but this will be a little more difficult."

"Why? What's wrong?" they ask at the same time.

"She comes in breech position. It's normal, it happens we can do this."

"Just make sure that doth of them are ok doctor. That's all I ask."

"Don't worry Can, she's almost ready."

They hear her cry three minutes later. "Of course the one that almost caused me a stroke looks like you. She's the only brunette!!!" Can says to Sanem and he kisses her. "Is she ok?"

"In perfect shape and health from what I can tell. Pediatricians are with them and you'll see them in a couple of hours if everything is in order." He looks at Sanem "How are you feeling dear?"

"Fine but tired." She says sleepy.

"You can sleep if you want. I'll stitch you and they lead you to your room. Can you can sit down if you like." The doctor said as he gets down to business.

"I love you so damn much baby, you made me the happiest man this earth has ever seen." He kisses her lips and he hears her say "I love you so very much too, but now I need to sleep. Your kids had me exhausted." And she fall asleep in his arms.        

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