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They left almost immediately after the wedding and come back six months later. They were planning to travel a little longer but Sanem was feeling unwell the past few days. The minute they arrive to Istanbul even before they return home, he takes her to the hospital. Can's worries that she may caught a bacteria or something during their travels.

  Sanem checks in with the doctor as Can passes around the hallway anxiously. This is taking way too long for his liking. Doctors come and go but not the doctor that met with them half an hour ago. He didn't inform anyone about their return but now he's regretting it. What if there's something wrong with his wife? His wife. He still can't believe that they got married. That she's forever his.

  He hears his name and he turns around to face a nurse. He follows her since he doesn't have much of a choice. Sanem sits on a chair with a puzzled look on her face and his worry grows bigger. He sits across her and he takes her hands in his, looking at the doctor for answers.

"Mister Divit, we took our time Sanem because we needed a second opinion from an OB." the doctor said.

"And what did he say?" Can responds anxiously.

"Congratulations are in order Mr. Divit. Sanem is pregnant!"

  Everything fades out. His brain repeating the same phrase again and again. He turns to look at Sanem and he sees her smiling wider than ever before. She takes his face into her hands and says "You are going to be a dad baby."

   He shakes his head, trying to realize, to process what he's experiencing right now. With a sudden move he jumps from his chair, grabs Sanem in his arms and lifts her around. Mere seconds in he realizes what he's doing, sets her down carefully and starts asking the doctor questions in a frantic pace. She patiently answers everything and consults them to visit a gynecologist to follow her pregnancy. They leave the office in bliss. Sanem is not even allowed to carry her own bag, she doesn't get to open the taxi door, or to do anything for that matter, but sit and relax. They arrive to their home where they decide to not say the news about the pregnancy yet. At least until they visit the doctor tomorrow.

  For the rest of the day he practically forces her to stay in bed. She knows Can will breath down her neck from now on, so her only hope is that the doctor will assure him and help her husband relax. She can't stay mad at him for long. He is being the sweetest daddy to be , helping her get up even though she doesn't need help, bringing her food, water whatever she needs. She can't help thinking how attentive he will be with their kid. He promised her that they will watch a movie, but in the middle of the movie he was fast asleep in her lap with one hand in her belly.

  She can't thank the doctor and God enough. Every test they took was normal, the doctor extremely positive with her condition. She can continue almost all of her activities and since she's not the athletic type she was fine with everything. The paradox is that Can also relaxed. Calmed down and started following the doctors advice; Start enjoying one of the most beautiful periods of their life.

  They decide to host a party saying it's for their return. No one knows anything. No one but Mihriban. She heard it by mistake, left a squeal and run to hug them both. With her help they invite everyone to their house, organize the menu and manage to get the job done by the night before the event. Sanem is resting and Can is doing something completely normal for a man who found out he will become a father in seven months; He is going through the internet to find the best ways to baby proof the entire house.    

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