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They decide to keep the triplets news as a surprise. Sanem tries to find a unique way to announce to her parents that soon they will be having three grandchildren to take care of. For now she just informed them that everything was going perfectly fine.

They head to the company to occupy themselves with other projects that got left behind. Sanem writes a scenario for a shampoo commercial while Can is dealing with some financial issues with Emre.

Deren roams around the company yelling orders at people as usual, and politely pushes Sanem to write something amazing. "You know that I believe in you Sanem. Very much. And I also know that in your condition you shouldn't be worried, anxious or whatever but... write something extraordinary or we will lose the company." she screams the last part.

"I'm sorry little one. Your auntie is very upset, she didn't mean to yell at your mum." Deren says to Sanem's belly.

Sanem smiles at how sweet she can be when she wants to and promises that she will get into business immediately. With Deren away she manages to concentrate and write something really decent. That's her opinion at least. Can has to be the one to approve it. But her husband is busy yelling at his brother. She decides to go for a walk, clear her head, let the situation calm a little. She's at a park near the office when inspiration strikes. Thank the heavens she always carries pen and paper with her.

Thirty minutes later she's done and she couldn't be more proud. She runs back and storms in to Can's office. He looks startled at her, asking her immediately if she's ok.

"More than ok. Just read please." She can't tell what he's thinking while reading her idea, but the minute he's done his whole face shines. "You just wrote that?" awe in his voice. "Yes. I was at the park and suddenly everything came together in my head."

"It's awesome my life. We're so getting that campaign." he says as he's about to take her in his arms when Deren walk in. "You can hug later, where's my script? "

"Right here Miss Deren." Sanem says.

Deren doesn't say anything while reading it. She takes the script and runs out of the office in panic. They follow her, curious of what she's doing. Turns out that she calls the client claiming that she has the best script she has ever seen in her hands.

* * * * * * 

Two hours later they are sitting in the conference room with Sanem taking the lead in the presentation. The clients are over the moon, congratulating her, giving her all sorts of compliments, she starts feeling a little overwhelmed. She sits down, wanted to take a break and Can takes the spotlight on him to help her get some rest.

He's so focused on what he's saying that he doesn't notice the effect he has on her. His hair in a bun, his beard all trimmed and yummy, his t-shirt tight on his abs, not to mention the visual wonders his jeans are creating.

And his hands, boy his hands, as he plays with the moonstones. She forgot how exhausted she was feeling moments ago. All she can focus is his hands and what he can do with these hands. Memories from last night flowed her mind. How good it felt when he was touching her body, leaving a trail of wet kisses. His hands forming fists in her hair as she rode him, his finger tips tracing her spine, his fingers diving inside her while his thump was massaging her clit, his palms holding her steady as his fingers bruised her skin.

She's sure she's as red as she could get and she tried to get herself together. She starts fanning herself trying to calm down. Can sees her all flustered but his mind can't imagine what she's thinking. Sanem on the other hand decides to get focused on the meeting.

"Be a professional, girl" her inner voice tells her "we will have a chance to get what we want later."

"Yeah, you're right." Sanem says out loud causing everyone to look at her. "You are so right Can. This exactly what we should do." she says. Everyone nods agreeing with her. Everyone except Can who smiles wide at her.

After another torturing hour their guest finally leave with Deren to sign the contract their lawyer put together during the meeting.

Can stays back waiting for Sanem to pick up her things but instead she closes the door and locks it.

"What are you doing my love?" he says all innocent. Sanem sits on the edge of the desk pulling him closer to her from his hips. The smile that forms on his lips... like a predator finding his prey defenseless.

"During this meeting I could barely function and you are the one to blame."

"Me? Why my one and only? What was I doing that you found so distractive?" his voice sweet but his hands are on her hips raising the hem of her short dress.

"You didn't do it on purpose. At least I hope that you didn't knew you were doing it..." his mouth on her neck, kissing her, his hands removing her underwear out of the way.

"I was just concentrated on how to convince them to accept our terms. I was all business and nothing else... ah Sanem..." her hands unbuttoning his jeans, freeing his erection and guiding him to her entrance. He enters her in one smooth move while bending his legs to get a better angle. She muffs a moan in his shoulder as he reenters her roughly. She grabs his face and kisses him, her hands messing his bun but it's the last thing they care about. Someone knocks on the door and with one last push Can sends her off the cliff as he follows her.

"Can, are you in there?" an unknown voice calls. 

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