Not what i had in mind

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She wakes up from a discomfort in her stomach. Her doctor had warned her about nausea and vomiting but she thought she would be lucky enough and she wouldn't have to experience them.

She runs to the bathroom, barely making it to the toilet. Can runs after her, holds her hair away from her face while at the same time he caress her back. She will realize later he was surprising calm.

Ten minutes later it was like nothing happened. She was walking and dancing around, so they decide to go to the agency. Can is occupied with meetings almost all day while Sanem is taking care, along with Deren, the organization part of the advertisement they already have in their hands.

 It's late afternoon when he's finally done and he starts looking for her. She's nowhere to be found. He asks around but everyone says that they haven't seen her for a while now. Can begins to worry. What if she felt dizzy? What if she's in the bathrooms not being able to get up? He scours all the floors and he still can't find her. The only place that's left to look is the archives.

When he approaches he hears her talking. Can sees her laying on the floor but no one is with her. Her inner voice he's thinking. Of course she would be here, hiding, trying to solve God knows what with herself.

 "...and you know Can, your dad I mean. I know you technically don't know him, but when you do you'll love him even more than you will love me. Even more than I do, if that's even possible."

His heart grew three sizes hearing her words. She isn't talking to her inner voice, she talks to their baby, and how she's one hundred percent sure that it will love him more than her. If you would ask him he would said the exact opposite.

She doesn't hear him coming, too focused on the mother- baby talk. He's laying next to her. Her hand still in her belly when she looks at him. A stare of a naughty child getting caught red handed.

 "Can...." she uses that adorable, cutest tone, dragging his name.

"My one and only, are you ok? Why are you laying on the floor?"

"Well... I felt a little dizzy, I was just seemed a logical thing to do at the time..."

She's too adorable to stay mad at her. Her doe eyes looking at him apologetically, like she's done something bad...

"You should have called me the instant you began to feel unwell. You know I would drop everything and come to you."

"I do, that's why I didn't call. I knew you would leave the meeting and I didn't want that. It was too important. By the way how did it go?"

"Amazing but that's not our issue right now. I'm not saying that you should stop coming at the agency, which would be the sane thing to do, at least until the symptoms stop. I'm just asking you to be more careful when you are here. Try not to be alone anyway..."

She shocked. She expected him to react differently, more... Can like. Instead he's being supportive of her choice and tries to compromise things. She was ready to fight and now she doesn't know what to say.

"So you won't insist to stay at home? That's what you're saying right?"

"I want you to, until you feel better at least but I understand if you don't want to. So I'm trying to find the best solution for you and our baby girl." his voice softens when he says the last word.

"Girl?" her eyes widening. "I thought we are having a boy and twin girls."

"That's your thinking... I want a girl first. I can barely handle you, how am I supposed to handle other two versions of Sanem? As much as I love you baby and you know I love you a lot, I'm not prepared for that!!!"

She laughs and takes his hand in both of hers. "I love you more than life itself, but we are having twin girls, my love." she kisses his hand and smiles widely at him.

Instead of saying anything he pulls her in his body and hugs her. Five minutes later they get up and they are about to leave when they hear Deren calling them. Turns out they needed to be on the set for their next project because the client demanded both of them there.

"And what set did you chose at last?"

"The beach one of course." Sanem says.

"And how would you know that my love?" he's saying surprised.

"CeyCey just texted me. He said you sold it extremely well. We're going to the beach little one." she says as she cradles her belly. 

Phoenix and AlbatrossOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora