Almost there

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It's been almost five months after they broke the news to their families. It took them some time to adjust to the new reality, to make peace with the fact, but after that everything went by as smoothly as it could.

Mevkibe started knitting every piece of clothing she could think of for her grandchildren, Leyla and Emre took a more active role in the company so Sanem could rest when she felt like it, CeycCey and Muzo followed Sanem everywhere she went, and not because Can instructed them to do so. It was their initiative. Nihat on the other hand kept visiting his mother's grave almost every day, suddenly realizing what she must have gone through, now that his daughter was about to go through the same thing, and kept asking the stone how he can help Sanem.

The only ones in peace were them. Can kept working on projects, but refusing the ones that were far away from Istanbul and Sanem. Business was thriving, clients coming and going to the company, one success after the other. Sanem in the mean time, when she wasn't writing her third book, she occupied herself with scenarios or she was flirting with the idea to write an animated children book for the bird called albatross.

When she was at the seventh month of her pregnancy they decided to set up the nurseries. Considering that they would be having three of them, they thought it'd be wise not to leave important to the last minute.

Every wall had a different picture painted on it and every crib had the same symbol; On the first wall Can painted a galaxy full of stars for Yildiz, with Orion in the center if the painting. Her crib filled with hand-made little stars spelling her name.

Following up, Deniz; waves, starfishes, boats, a mermaid who "accidentally" looks like Sanem, her crib painted with blue shades that reminds the move of the sea water and of course with bubble that spelled her name.

Ates was the one that caused them problems. They couldn't find a way to match all this blue walls with the red that's supposed to be the fire. After a lot of consideration they decided to add fires to a jungle theme that was filled with all the kinds of animal. The same animals that spelled his name on his crib.

It took them about a month to finish but it was so worth it. The result was amazing.

In the meantime, when they were waiting for the paint to dry, they were practicing possible routes for the hospital based on their location. They came to the conclusion that the hospital it's closer to the company than their house, so they set up a go bag in both places, just to be safe.

* * * * * *

She's eight months pregnant and her doctor had informed her that she should be ready for labor at any time. Considering the nature of her pregnancy they have also discussed the possibility of c-section, so both her and the babies are safe and sound. Both of them are ok with that as long as everything goes right.

"So back to the office or home?" Can asks after their visit was over.

"Home please, your children have really exhausted me today."

"As you wish my princess. Do you want anything to eat? Can I get you anything guys?" He says as he touches her belly and he gets rewarded with a kick by Yildiz, Sanem presumes.

"I think that's a big yes." She pretends to think about what she wants and says "Pizza. Yes we want pizza."

"Your wish is my command. But I'm making it, it's healthier this way." Can says with a smile. Sanem hugs his arm, leans her head on his shoulder and they walk towards the car.

* * * * * *

"I should really stop eating, I'm huge!!! But this is so good." She says as she devours another piece.

"You never looked more beautiful my life." he kisses her forehead and takes a bite from his piece.

"But I can't see my own toes. That can't be normal!!!" Sanem says and she stands up.

"Well it can, since you are carrying three human being inside you. And I'm sure that in a month your figure will be back to its old shape, if not better." Can pinches her butt as he walks by behind her.

She yelps and laughs "I truly wonder how can you still want me when I look like this. I mean... look at me..." she shows herself with her hands.

"What I see is my wonderful wife, looking ravishing. And I'll never stop wanting you."

The door bell rings which is weird considering that everyone comes from the garden door. They look at each other confused and Sanem goes to open the door since Can is dealing with the dishes. No one was there, she looks around for a package or something but nothing. She walks back in saying "No one was there, maybe they were looking for Mihrib... Polen."

"Sanem???" Polen says shocked.

Can can't really tell who's more surprised. Sanem who saw Polen hugging him, or Polen who didn't know about the pregnancy. His money in on Polen based on the startled look on her eyes.

"I... I didn't know..." she clears her throat "I didn't know you were pregnant." Polen manages to say.

"That's because we didn't want you to know. Well not only you everyone who isn't important to us. We kept it a really well guarded secret." Poison is filling her voice and she doesn't want to feel what she feels. She doesn't want her children to fell that poison.

"My love I'm going to lay down a bit. I'm tired."

"Of course my one and only. Just say my name and I'll be there in no time."

"So... tea? And maybe you can show me this amazing garden of yours" she says almost back to her old self.

He turns to Polen. "I'll makes us some tea to drink, but I want to stay here in case she needs something. You can see the garden by yourself, if out of sudden you love nature so much." Can says as he goes to make the tea with his mind only on Sanem.    

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