Chapter fifteen!

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A/N: Here's another one... in one week. I'm impressed with myself. Anywhooooo... please comment, vote, fan. COTEAN! That's me new word. I'd love some feedback on this one babes!

Chapter fifteen!

*Liam Stone’s POV*

She had looked great at Pun’s. I wondered who that guy was; maybe he was just some family friend. Not that it really was any of my business. It was pretty funny how Mrs. Smith noticed me when I walked in. She called my name as a question and when she realized how loud she was she grabbed her mouth. I made Bella go and sit at a table while I talked to them. Elle wasn’t there, but I went over there anyway. I could see the hurt in Mrs. Smith’s eyes when I walked over, but I knew she needed this. She still hadn’t had her full closure.

            When I was at the table I saw that the man had grabbed her hand and was all protective of her, and I knew instantly that they had something romantic going on. But I could also see her hesitation so I knew she wasn’t completely ready for this to escalate any further. We chatted a little; she asked how I have been and what I was doing. I told her I was Michelle’s teacher, and just came here from Britain. She smiled and told me about her job.

            The summer of the accident was my second summer in America. I was a little homesick even though my girlfriend was there.

            Elle came to the table and her mum told me I should come over for dinner sometime. I was happy to, and we exchanged phone numbers. I walked back to Bella, but kept eyeing Michelle’s table over and over again. I shouldn’t be thinking like this. It’s too risky. It’s too wrong.

            Monday was finally here and I had Michelle’s class in third and fourth period. She hated math, but I really can’t see why. I love how constructed it is, and straight forward; one problem, one solution.

            Michelle entered with her friend, Emily, and they took their seats at the front. Michelle was beautiful as ever. No, Liam, stop. She’s your student.

            “Right, class! Did everyone do their homework?” I asked. The fact was I knew about one quarter did their homework, half of them got someone to do it for them or copied it,  and then there was the quarter that didn’t even bother.  I was pleased to see most people putting their hands up, and then I walked around to collect the papers. I noticed Michelle didn’t do hers as I took Emily’s.

            “Miss Smith, this is the first time you don’t return your home equations. I’ll need to see you here at lunch,” I said turned my back to her before she could object. That doesn’t mean she didn’t try.

            “What?! There are like five other people in here that didn’t do theirs! Why am I singled out?” she asked in frustration. I really couldn’t blame her.

            “Miss Smith, all I wanted to do was offer you help with them, since I am your tutor. As for the rest of the class, those who didn’t do what I asked for have until four to return them to my shelf outside my office.” I spoke in my teacher voice. It’s funny how my character changed a bit when I was teaching. I felt more confident; though not when I was tutoring Elle.

            Elle frowned a bit but kept quiet. I smiled to myself and told them what equations to do.

            After class Elle came to me. “Can I at least go and get some lunch before I come here?” I nodded and she skipped off, her hair bouncing against her back.

            I sat down at my desk and started grading the homework assignments that had been brought in. My class was doing really good compared to how they were a month ago. I’ve been working them a bit hard, but I will only be working them harder because finals are in a month.

Music between us (teacher/student)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora