Sequence 23: The Dawn of War (Epilogue)

Start from the beginning

His hood was up, covering his face. He flicks his right wrist and a hidden blade extends from his gauntlet. He quietly steps to the man as he was still looking out the window.

"Huh..." The man says.

"?!" The assassin's eyes widen under his hood. He stops moving as he mentally panics, thinking he was discovered. But he was wrong as the man continues.

"Guess the crow was just lost. But maybe..." He shrugs. The man continues to stare out of the window.

The assassin lets out a quiet sigh of relief before continuing to sneak up on the man. Just as the assassin was within arm's reach, he lifts his hand with the blade up. He was about to stab the man until he felt something grab hold of his shoulders. He looks around himself but found nothing. He looks down to his shoulders and saw two giant hand prints pressing down on him.


The man mutters something unintelligible. The assassin felt the pressure on his shoulders suddenly increase tenfold. He felt his shoulders breaking and could her his bones snapping like twigs. He was forced onto his knees as he shouts in pain. "Gah!"

"This crow was looking for something, right, old friend?"

"?!" Sweat drips off of the assassin's face. He tried to move his arms, but he felt the hands grab his arms and held them behind his back, snapping a few more bones. "D-damnit!" He cries as he leans forward whilst shutting his eyes.

The man turns around to face the assassin. He drops to one knee and grabs the assassin's chin, lifting him up to face eye to eye before pulling the hood down to reveal Qrow. The man grins seeing Qrow in pain.

"Even after all these years, you still never learned how to control your semblance..." The man's grin fades and was replaced with a disappointing frown. "Such a shame."

"D-damn you, P-!" The hands behind him squeezes Qrow's arms tighter, snapping even more bones. "FUCK!" Qrow couldn't feel his hands anymore. They felt numb all of the sudden. He thinks whatever is grabbing him must be preventing any blood from reaching his hands. A few tears drop from his eyes due to how much pain he's in.

The man only stands back up when seeing Qrow in agony. "Such a waste too. You and your sister could have been an unbeatable duo if you only took a little longer to train." He sighs. "But I'm sure you're already aware of that by now."

"L-let me go!" Qrow demands. "This w-wasn't supposed to happen!"

"Perhaps, Qrow, but..." The man trails off from his sentence. He looks behind Qrow and saw a man leaning against the wall leading to the exit door.

The two don't say anything to one another

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The two don't say anything to one another. They simply stare into each other's eyes before the man sneers at the other. The other one vanishes into nothing before the man stares down at Qrow again.

[Part 1] A New Assassin (An Assassin's Creed x RWBY AU story)Where stories live. Discover now