Iced Shell Part 1

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A/n: Please note, this is not my ship. This is a request from my friend CaramelChels:) (for those of you who came from the Vampire's Solace page, I got her username wrong there) who doesn't have a wattpad account but wants one. Personally, I hate this ship, but as I said somewhere, I'll usually write the story even if I don't like the ship. Enjoy!

"Gray, what are you doing?!" Erza yelled from her position near Deliora's foot, "Get your head in the game!" Gray paid no attention to the redheaded warrior's words, tears filling his eyes as he surveyed the melting ice encapsulating the demon.

"Ur," he whispered, only audible to himself and Natsu, whose keen dragon hearing allowed him to pick it up. Natsu opened his mouth to say something, but decided against it. What was he thinking? It simply wouldn't do to comfort his rival, no matter how his heart ached seeing Gray's tears. Why was his heart aching, anyway? Eh, the fire wizard thought, it's probably just heartburn. Do dragons get heartburn?  Having thus distracted himself from the issue at hand, Natsu didn't see Deliora's newly freed left hand come sweeping down behind him, swiping him right off the ledge he was standing on down to the ledge below.

"Aaaaaaaa!!!!!" he yelled as he flew, clenching his eyes to protect them from the ice rushing up towards his face. He smacked into something, his inertia causing him and the object to go bouncing down the steep side of the cave wall until finally coming to rest at the base of the slope in a heap.

Ugh, Natsu thought, why does the ground have a heartbeat? 

"Um, Natsu?" The green eyes flew open at the sound of his rival's voice. "Could you please get off of me? I can't breathe." That was surprisingly polite, Natsu thought, I wonder why he's suddenly being nice to me. Wait did he say 'get off of me?!' Natsu pushed himself up and let out a surprised squeak. He had apparently banged into Gray on the way down and was now sitting on the ice wizard's waist, knees on either side of Gray's hips. 

"Eep! Sorry, Gray!" 

A few seconds later when a worried Lucy ran over to check on them, all she saw was Natsu's retreating back and Gay sitting on the ground, holding his hands over his face, wide eyes visible between splayed fingers. As Lucy approached, she detected a high-pitched whine. Covering her ears, she asked

"What IS that? It sounds like a fangirl who spotted a really hot cosplay."

The noise stopped and Gray looked up apologetically.

"Sorry, that was me. And can you stop breaking the fourth wall?" Lucy flew into one of her split second rages and yelled

"You do realize that even talking about the fourth wall means you're breaking it, right?!"

"You'd think she'd realize her hypocrisy one of these days, but nope," Gray said in an aside to the readers that was nevertheless completely audible to Lucy.

"I can hear you!" came the furious reply. Lucy was about to say more when Erza called for her. She ran off with a "coming!" just as Natsu returned from whatever he'd been doing.

"What was all that about?" the spiky-haired teen asked quizzically.

"The author probably wanted to show their poor opinion of Lucy pre-character arc," Gray shrugged. "They're always doing stuff like that." 

Natsu frowned. "Author? Like the people who write stories? What does that have to do with us?"

"You'd be surprised," Gray said, effectively knocking another hole in the already fragile fourth wall. Natsu shrugged, shaking off his guildmate's strange words like rain off of dragon scales.

"Okay. Anyway, we've been doing this the whole time so we didn't realize it, but Deliora's pretty much free now. We should probably go fight."

"Argh! You're right! How could I forget?!" Gray exclaimed, inwardly cursing the author for writing the section at two different times and forgetting about Deliora. (oops) Crap, he thought to himself, Someone better start repairing the fourth wall or it'll crumble by the time we've gone through two chapters!

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