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( for skep6d )

Zak had been aching for a new pet since he moved in with Finn and his dog, Rocco. The house was so big and lonely but Finn had mentioned specifically that he wanted a cat so Zak found himself at the local pet adoption center.

He followed a kind man named Mav who was looking at the cats with glee in his eyes. Zak browsed then and stared at a calico dubbed Davis by the paper on its cage. But he found his attention directing to the cat Mav stopped in front of, reaching into the cage to pick up the grey beauty.

"This is Vincent!" The orange eyed cat stared into Zak's dark brown ones, seeming to stare into his soul as well. "He's quiet but very intelligent, he's been here for a while which makes no sense because he is very sweet and has never been violent."

"I'll take him then," the cat seemed to perk up at that, somehow understanding what Zak had said. "Yes! Yes! Yes! Thank you! I would take himself but I'm saving up to take Davis and I can't handle more than one so tha-" The 19 year old tuned out of the man's rambling and let his eyes examine Vincent, who would be his new cat. He ran his fingers over the cat's head and the soft purr and chirp in return made his heart swell.

$50 almost didn't feel like enough so Zak slipped Mav an extra $20. "For Davis," he said quietly and the other boy squealed lowly, handing the customer the crate with the gorgeous Chartreux cat in it. Zak said his goodbye and found himself in the car with the crate, and he allowed himself to drive home, eager to get close to the cat.

Though the cat was originally for Finn, Vincent favored Zak quickly though he didn't mind a pet from the other human in the house.

The cat followed Zak everywhere, always wanting to be with the boy and get attention and pets and kisses, which he happily supplied for the feline. They were as thick as thieves; Vincent slept with Zak every night; they cuddled on the couch for movies; the cat laid on Zak's lap when he streamed and recorded and talked to Darryl, Dave and his other internet friends. You barely ever saw them apart.

But something had happened to bring them even closer, which no one ever thought was possible.

Zak laid on his bed, staring up at the ceiling of his room, absolutely bored out of his mind. Vincent laid on his chest, falling asleep to the relaxing breathing and rise and fall of Zak's chest.

"I already uploaded my daily video... Darryl's probably asleep and today isn't his streaming day so I can't bother him... it is way too early to stream... Finn is out with his partner or something... it's just me, you and Rocco, bud." Zak ran his hands over Vincent's soft fur, smiling when the cat chirped in response.

So Zak shifted slightly, finding himself comfortable on the bed with the pillow and Vincent being warm enough to qualify as some sort of blanket. But then, his eyes shot open quickly as a huge weight difference was on his chest. The cat was gone.

Instead, there was a boy. Or a man. Zak couldn't exactly tell. But he was someone he had never seen before. He was tall and lanky and somehow still incredibly handsome. His brown hair was fluffy but Zak saw something grey hidden in it that looked mysteriously like cat ears. And the orange copper like eyes. Those were Vincent's; Zak could identify them out of billions of others.

"Vincent?" The human muttered softly, frowning when the cat ears become fully apparent as they perked up.

"Um, I'm, uh, yes." The French accent surprised Zak, and he was even more surprised at the squeaky high pitched voice that came out along with that French accent.

"You. You're V-Vincent? My cat?"

"I'm a hybrid actually, I like being a cat but you're bored and you wanted to do something so I decided to tell you." The tiny smile made Zak's heartbeat race.

"Um, you're very cute as a c-cat and as a, uh, person." Zak found himself stuttering, the boy still in his lap, purring softly and the golden eyes were bright, beautiful and mischievous.

part two later pinky promise

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