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(warning: this shot includes age regression, a form of roleplaying in which an individual acts or treats another as if they were a different age. ageplay is roleplaying between adults, and involves consent from all parties. PLEASE NOT it will not be sexual. if u want more lmk bc i enjoy writing these things. hope u enjoy and don't like? don't read and/or comment. thanks. ps. thank u for 300 reads, that means the world to me ^-^)

darryl sat at his desk, a game of minecraft open as he was streaming. he was hosting an event game in his server but was stressed out by his moderators trolling him and the donations and chat spamming all sorts of memes that very quickly annoyed him. "guys, i think i'm gonna end it here, i'm tired and just... done. see you all next week." he didn't even read the chat before he left.

darryl rested his head on his desk after he ended the stream and shut off his computer. only after a few minutes did he decide to go refill his water bottle and grab something to eat; streaming made the bottle deplete fast and forget that food was something his body needed.

opening the door silently (it was a late night stream and he didn't feel like waking his boyfriend, who would rage at him if he did in fact do so), he tried to sneak to the kitchen but failed as he noticed the television was on and showing a show.

eyebrows furrowed as it was playing a cartoon darryl vaguely recognized, something he might have watched when he was younger. but, there were no kids in the house as far as he knew, so who's watching this show?

he sneaks quietly to a position where he can see the couch but the person on the couch couldn't see him. but his quietness was ruined as he gasped loudly at the sight on the couch.

it was zak. a blanket with innocent and colorful designs was draped over him and the blue teddy bear he held in his hands, which he clutched tightly. the familiar and cute giggles were almost silent as a pacifier was in the mentioned boy's mouth. but it had fallen out upon hearing darryl's shocked gasp.

tears gathered in the dark brown eyes of the boy sitting on the couch and with a press of a button, the tv was turned off and he was gone. but darryl was just shocked, not disgusted at all and felt a bit of sadness and guilt when he ran away. he noticed the pacifier and blanket were left behind, as well as mostly empty bottle of what seemed to be milk.

as a way to apologize and possibly learn more about what exactly this was, darryl grabbed the bottle, blanket and pacifier. the blanket was cast over his shoulder and he held the pacifier as he heated up warm milk to pour into the bottle. he finished up in a few minutes and walked to zak's door, hesitant for a few seconds before knocking smoothly.

"go away!" a sob rang out, loud and clear and darryl felt his heart shatter at the broken tone of the familiar voice. "no," he said firmly in response, "i need to give you some things and i want to know why, i'm curious, zak."

a few sniffles occurred behind the door before it was opened and the taller swore his heart broke once again at the tears that trailed down the shorter's face. "here, honey." darryl wraps the blanket around his lover and sets the pacifier in zak's palm.

"i have warm milk for you, but i'll give it to you only if we can sit and talk about this, does that sound okay?" the older's soft voice calmed zak down and he nodded after hearing the last word of his question.

they sat on the bed in the room and darryl opted to wipe away a few of zak's tears before handing him the bottle. the younger boy took a few sips and smiled faintly at the taste, before looking at darryl.

"so, what is this?" he starts, his voice keeping the soft tone it had in the doorway of the room. "u-um, it's called ageplay..." zak begins, his eyes beginning to tear up again, "and i basically act like a child and do and have child-like things, it helps with my depression and anxiety a lot."

darryl smile reassuringly at the boy in front of him, satisfied with the answer he got out of him, "okay, that sounds good. but, wouldn't you need someone like a nanny or a caretaker? i very much doubt you can handle this while you're in a younger... mind state?"

"i-i want a daddy to take c-care of me, feed me and help me and change me and d-do whatever, i wanted to be cared for." zak takes another few drinks of the bottle, the lasting warmth helping to calm him down. but after he stops, his face is gently held by darryl, who's smiling softly as he brushes a few tears away.

"can i be your daddy?" zak's eyes lighten significantly and he pushes himself into the other's soothing arms. "yes. yes! yes! yes! yesyesyes! a million times yes!" they hug and darryl kisses the top of the head of the boy who's buried himself into his body.

"i love you, daddy!" the few words make darryl smile a huge, bright smile. "i love you too, baby boy."

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