alarm clock

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zak giggled, pulling vincent through his open window at ten pm. "sh! my mom can't know you're here! i'm grounded, remember?" zak states as his boyfriend almost yells in pain from the harsh pull from zak.

"almost impossible when you're so strong," vincent mumbles, falling face first into zak's carpet after he had spoken. zak lets out the loudest laugh at the thump and his french boyfriend's expression. vincent just stands up smoothly.

"zak! what was that noise?" a familiar voice, which turns out to be zak's mom, yells from behind the locked door. zak winces, trying his best to think of an excuse really quickly. "just my water bottle! i flipped it and it missed my desk! goodnight, mama!" vincent laughs quietly at the excuse and zak's mom just sighs and gives her own goodnight back.

"xem," zak whines, dragging out the e in vincent's nickname, "what are we gonna do tonight? i would say minecraft but you're always way too loud!"

"i could say the same for you, skeppy," the oldest just giggles for the second time that night and goes on his tippy-toes to kiss the youngest in the room.

"so, have you ever tried actually flipping a water bottle before?" zak questions, grabbing a half full water from his desk where his computer and microphone were. vincent furrows his eyebrows in response to the question.

"i'm french, not stupid, mon amoureux." a soft groan is followed after a water bottle toss, zak just sniggering. so they sat at zak's desk, a night filled with water bottle flipping, playing minecraft with one computer and keyboard, laughter after stupid jokes and maybe a little bit of making out.

a yawn killed the dead silence in the room, vincent shuffled around for his glasses on zak's nightstand. the struggle was long fought as the mentioned boy was gripping vincent tightly, snuggling into like a child would with a soft stuffed animal. when the glasses sat comfortably on the taller's face, he shook zak awake as the alarm clock was currently reading 6:37 am, just twenty three minutes before the boys were supposed to be up at their respective homes to get ready for school that day.

"hm? vince? what's up?" zak mutters sleepily, rubbing his eyes to help them adjust to the bright light that came in from his windows. "it's almost 6:37, baby." vincent speaks softly, helping his lover adjust by not being loud.

zak gasps and sighs, he isn't surprised but he wants more time with his boyfriend, they are barely able to hang out in school and vincent almost never has the energy to sneak into zak's house. "i don't want you to go," zak admits softly, pushing himself into vincent's chest.

"i know, zakie, but i have to go so my mom doesn't know i was gone... haha, unless?" the meme makes zak laughs faintly and shakes his head, amused by his stupid boyfriend. the laughter subsides as they stare at the alarm clock, dreading the annoying sound that it would soon omit when it hit seven. they didn't want to actually get up so zak would have to help vincent sneak out.

but they were careful than most, keeping their talking and actions as silent as they can and they kept the door locked always. if zak's parents wanted to come in, they would have to knock and vincent would just try his best to hide under the many covers on the bed.

6:49 am.

"i don't want to go yet," vincent mutters, his arms wrapped around his boyfriend this time.

"it's getting early, babe, you should really take off." zak stares into the other's eyes, his gaze soft.

"but it's so warm here, under the blankets. i wish i could stay in this moment forever." they put their foreheads against each others, eyes closing smoothly and relaxing in the warmth of the sunlight and each other.

they're both dreading the sound of the alarm clock.

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