meet cute

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darryl yawned, making zak do the same on the other side of their phone call. it was only midnight but the older had woken up early wanting to fix his sleep schedule.

"'m tired baby," darryl mutters, sitting as his desk and yawning yet again. "but i wanna stay up with you," these words are louder and darryl can almost see the smile on zak's face.

"i love you, you can if you want but you sound really tired, darling, i know it's late..."

they don't always talk like this, especially in front of their recording softwares. they both have to resist the pet names and lovey dovey words as they're very hesitant to release the knowledge that they're actually together; their fans (and a6d) can be a bit much.

"are you d-driving?" darryl is having trouble with his words as all he thinks about is sleep, but he can hear an engine rumbling and the slightly annoying sounds of traffic on a road.

"mhm, i'm going somewhere important. and no, i won't tell you, you can think about it for a bit." zak giggles quietly, but darryl can recognize that cute sound anywhere.

"just don't be ho-holding your phone, alright? i don't want you to be in some kind of an accident or pulled over."

"i wouldn't do that to you my angel, you're the most important person to me."

"well the most important person to you wants you to turn back and get to bed because he knows it's late over there as well." darryl woke up a bit more as tried to reason with his boyfriend, not liking him out so late at night.

"i don't exactly always listen to the most important person in my life although he tries to help me do the better thing," zak pauses at darryl's half hearted sigh and the soft yawn the follows shortly after, "but i do love him and appreciate him for all that he does for me."

darryl then smiles, "well, a little birdie told me that he loves you more than you love him."

zak giggles on the other line and darryl can hear his keys jangle as he turns off the car. "so, are you at your important destination?" zak momentarily nods before realizing that they're on a phone call, and not facetime or skype.

"yeah, i'm there!" zak has to mute himself in the call as he laughs quietly so darryl can't hear it.

"well, do you want me to hang up? if it's really important, i can hang up and finally going to sleep."

"finally? are you trying to get rid of me?" zak asks with a small gasp, which darryl finds strange as his boyfriend is usually as loud as he can be.

"of course not, you muffin." he rolls his eyes, ignoring the unusual action from zak.

darryl hears a sound he's become slightly scared of; his very own doorbell. he furrows his eyebrows and sighs, "hey, honey, i'm gonna go answer the door, so i'll be back soon. please don't tell me you ordered me a pizza this late."

"no promises!" zak says right before he makes a kiss sound into his phone, darryl does one back and the two boys laugh.

darryl makes his way to the door rather quickly, wanting to get back to his lover as fast as he can.

but, as he opened the door, he realized he would get back to him rather quickly. because his boyfriend, the one he calls his sun and his soulmate and his muffin, is there; at his front door; his house; laughing loudly, holding his phone and darryl swears he can hear that exact laugh from his room as well.

"i- what are you doing here?" darryl lets out a small sigh, falling in love with his boyfriend all over again.

"well... i'm at the most important place in the world with the most important person in my life." that's when zak can't say anymore words, because lips are pressed against his, and he smiles softly into, more happy than ever.

"i love you, angel."

"a little birdie told me that i love you more."

"oh, just shut up."

no more words are spoken that late night, filled instead by kissing and cuddling.

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