stood up

881 39 14

zak sighed, annoyed. he stared at his phone screen after denying the waitress his order as his boyfriend hadn't shown up quite yet, it was 8:29, where was dave?

the waitress came back five minutes later, asking yet again if he wanted to order, an almost apologetic look on her face as she spoke the words. "no, it's okay, he's just running late, he'll be here. he has to." zak mutters the last sentence, so quiet that the waitress struggles to hear it. "i'm so sorry, honey," she apologizes and stalks off to another table, zak follows her with his eyes and is almost angry to see that many different tables are staring at him with the same apologetic eyes he saw moments before.

he stared once again at the phone screen, grimacing once again as he reads 8:47, he had lost all hope. leaving a ten dollar bill for the appetizer he enjoyed almost forty minutes ago, he hesitates to get up as he notices an unknown man rush to his table.

"oh my goodness, babe! i'm so so so sorry i was late, it was raining at work and traffic was the absolute worst!" the small, high voice somehow became loud and the other customers looked away as well as a few waiters and the waitress from before, satisfied that his "boyfriend" had finally showed up.

"i'm darryl," the man states, setting his phone on the table, face down. "please go with it? whoever stood you up is a muffin." after seeing zak's confused face at the supposed insult, he adds, "which is not the best thing to be in this context,"

"okay." zak states plainly, still recovering from being stood up by dave and the total stranger standing up for him. "thank you so much, i'm zak."

zak won't really say he did it because the boy in front of him was absolutely adorable and was incredibly sweet and smart and funny, which he had all learned from the conversation over the dinner, which the both enjoyed very much so.

they step out of the restaurant after a peaceful yet wonderful dinner and darryl turns to zak, smiling a smile that the latter had fallen in love with upon their conversation. "so, i was thinking. since your partner stood you up and you seemed so distraught... could we go out on a real date? it's only if you want! no pressure!"

zak's answer is kissing darryl on his lips (which is what he had been hoping to do all night) and pulling apart and smiling at him.

"that's a yes to me." darryl warns, his eyes warm and glowing after the kiss.

zak just rolls his eyes, kissing the man again.

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