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Soldier: "General Ironwood, SIR!" The soldier salutes.

Ironwood: "At ease soldier, what have you found?" Ironwood asks.

Soldier: "We've been able to pinpoint where the meteorite will crash Sir." The soldier reports.

Ironwood gets a small smirk on his face.

Ironwood: "Excellent!  Where is it landing?  Is it going to hit a populated area?" He questions.

Soldier: "No sir, it appears to be going to land in Mistral, somewhere deep in the forest."

Ironwood: "I see..." James answers as he looks down in thought.  After a moment of silence Ironwood looks up and speaks.

Ironwood: "Alright, when this meteorite lands I want a Scouting party to go and investigate the impact zone.  See if there is anything of use, or... Anything... Hostile..." Ironwood finishes.

Soldier: "Yes sir, I'll get the scouting party ready." The soldier salutes and runs off.

Ironwood sighs in relief, now knowing that the meteorite won't hit any populated areas or major cites.  James sits at his desk and grabs his scroll, dialing a number again.  He has a relieved smile on his face as he does so.



*ri-* *click*

Ozpin: "James, you have an update for me?"

Ironwood: "Indeed, we've calculated where it is going to land.  It won't be hitting any populated areas or major cities." James explains.

Ozpin: "Wonderful news, May I ask where it is going to land?" Ozpin inquires.

Ironwood: "We've determined that it is going to land deep in the mistral forest, far from any civilization.  I've ordered a scouting party to investigate the landing sight for anything of use." The general says.

Ozpin: "Excellent, but James... be sure that they're on guard.  Remember, We are not alone in this world."

Ironwood: "Don't worry Ozpin, I've also told the soldiers to keep an eye out for anything hostile.  We have it all under control." Ironwood states with a smile.

Ozpin: "Very well, do keep me updated on this matter.  I shall talk to you soon. Farewell." Ozpin says.

Ironwood: "Don't worry Ozpin, we have it under control.  Goodbye."


Ozpin leans back in his chair and turns around to face the window, a serious look adorning his face as he thinks about the whole situation.

Ozpin: 'There's no way Salem collected all of the relics... So why have the gods sent something this large towards remnant?  Is this some sort of warning that they'll be here soon?  Perhaps I am over thinking things...'

Ozpin: "I hope Ironwood knows what he's doing..."

Two Days Later...




The Destroyer on Remnant (Destroyah Male Reader x RWBY)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon