A Trip Gone Wrong

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                  Ruby was sitting in the middle of combat class, her arms crossed staring at the floor.  Several days have passed since the talk with Destroyah, and she couldn't figure something out...  How does she become Worthwhile to Destroyah?  She's asked him multiple times but his only response was, "If you can not figure out something so simple, then you're truly not worth my time." She couldn't figure it out.  She's tried being nice to him, she's tried helping him do things, it didn't work, she's tried offering him food, her favorite strawberries, and her cookies.  NOTHING WORKS!  What was she supposed t-

                            "Miss Rose, are you paying attention?"

Ruby: "NO!  I-I mean Y-Yes!  W-What was the question?"

She looks around to see who's talking to her to see her teacher, Glynda Goodwitch looking at her.

Goodwitch: *Sigh* "Miss Rose, I am aware your first few days here at Beacon have been stressful.  But please do pay attention, what you learn in this class may just save your life."

Ruby looks up to see Yang currently fighting one of the school Bullies, Cardin Winchester.  Watching as she slams her fist into his gut before lifting him up and slamming him on the floor.

Yang: "Woooow, not even watching your big sister fight?  I'm a little hurt."

She says putting a hand over her chest.  While she's distracted, Cardin swings his mace at Yang's head, nicking the back of her head.  She lurches forward holding the back of her head as Cardin chuckles.

Ruby hears a growl to her right and looks to see Destroyah with his arms crossed and an annoyed expression on his face.

Y/N: "That little tap hurt her?  You creatures are so pathetically weak that it makes me sick..."

Ruby: "Aw come on, they're weapons.  Of course they're gonna hurt."

Y/N:  "I've had several of your species' weapons shatter against my carapace, if they are supposed to cause harm then they have failed miserably."

Ruby: "Well... We don't have built-in armor like you."

Y/N: "Further showing how weak the gods made you."

Yang's hair glows a bright Yellow as she whips around, cracking Cardin hard across the face and sending him into the far wall, breaking his aura and embedding him into the wall.  Destroyah raises an eyebrow at this, looking slightly impressed.

Y/N: "Good, Progress..."

Jaune: *Leaning in* "So, do you do anything other than talking smack?"

Y/N: "Do my words bother you?"

Jaune: "You don't really do anything other than talk about how weak we are."

Y/N: "If you believe you have what it takes to change my mind, by all means, go ahead."

Jaune shuffles in place nervously, sputtering a little as he tries to come up with something to say.  Ren simply shakes his head at his leaders antics and looks back to Yang prying Cardin out of the wall he's in.  Yang rears back her fist ready to punch Cardin again, but before she gets the chance a purple bubble appears around her.

Goodwitch: "That's enough Miss Xiao Long, Winchesters Aura has been broken.  Therefore the match is over.  Any attacks after the match is over are liable to get you disqualified, or worse."

Yang: *Pulling Cardin close*  "Consider yourself lucky..."

She says before letting go of him and walking back to the stands where the rest of the students are.  Destroyah looks even more aggravated by these events.  Small amounts of Micro Oxygen begin to leak out of his ears as grows more upset.  Pyrrha notices this a speaks up.

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