The Awakening

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Silence is all that is heard in a small chamber...

In the middle of this chamber is a purple orb... Containing something... Something dark... 

Something Evil...

Suddenly, light fills the room as two figures approach the orb.  These two figures are the brother gods, the ones responsible for life as we know it.

The brothers stare at the orb before one finally speaks up.

God of Light: "Brother... Are you sure this is a good idea?"

The god of darkness looks at his brother.

God of Darkness:  "You are the one so keen on checking on remnant, and we both know this beast can be reasoned with..."  The Younger brother replies, being slightly annoyed. 

God of Light: "Yes but... Why not just send Mosura or Ghidorah?  What if he declines?  I'm not sure if we'll be able to seal him away again..." The Elder bother said worried

God of Darkness: "Brother, we have been over this... Ghidorah would disobey our orders as soon as he is out of atmosphere, doing what ever he pleases instead...  And Mosura has declined our offer to go to remnant.  If we we're to force her, the others would rise up against us. It would be remnant all over again..."

The god of light looks back to the orb before letting out a long sigh.

God of Light: "What if he just decides to destroy everything on remnant when he gets there?" He states worried again.

The younger brother looks at his sibling.

God of darkness: "You seems to still care for remnant quite a bit..." he says as he gently places a hand on the orb. "But it is like I said... He can be reasoned with..."

The Elder brother ponders this before letting out a sigh and looking at the orb.

God of Light: "This creature was our biggest mistake... Release him..."

The dark brother destroys the barrier containing the creature, as it is destroyed the creature hits the ground with a loud thud.

The creatures eyes shoot open and quickly stands up before letting out an ear piercing roar.

Both gods take a step back ready for the beast to attack.

The bothers stare at the creature before the younger sibling speaks up.

God of darkness: "Destroyah... we have come to... bargain... "

The creature, now known as Destroyah, give the god a questioning look before easing his stance slightly.  Prompting the god to continue.

God of Darkness: "We would like you go and investigate a planet we made long ago called, Remnant." he starts. " We need you to go and check on the inhabitants and decide if they should be allowed to progress, or if they should be eliminated." he says as he folds his hands behind his back.  "Once you have made your choice, you will return back us and report you findings and WE shall make the final decision.  If it is decided that Remnant is to be Destroyed... We shall send you back to wreck havoc on the world." The Younger god darkly chuckles "Do this for us and we will not seal you away again..." The brother states while playing with some purple magic in his hand.

Destroyah ponders this for a bit before shaking his head and getting into a more aggressive stance.

God of Light: "WAIT!" he shouts, causing Destroyah to look at him. "If you do this for us... We... No, I shall give a large sum of this planet for you to call your own." he says. "You will be able to do as you wish with this land, be it wreck havoc or rule over it like a tyrant... We will not intervene with anything that goes on in YOUR land." The Eldest brother says in hopes of winning this creature over.

Destroyah ponders this for a good amount of time before closing his eyes and relaxing.  When he opens his eyes again, they are no longer glossed over orange but are now (E/C).

He looks at the gods...

"When do I leave...?"





Right SO! 

This is my first story, sorry if it's bad and poorly written. 

Any pointers or tips would be GREATLY appreciated.

It has also been a bit since I watched RWBY but this isn't going to be Super Plot married anyway.

And unless I write myself into a corner there will be NO OCs, even then it'd probably just be a Godzilla monster.

Any way that's that. I hope you enjoyed.

Have a Good One. 

The Destroyer on Remnant (Destroyah Male Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now