Chapter 14

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Tommy leaned in to kiss her cheek, his hand curling warm at her waist, and the simple contact sent a soft frisson of arousal echoing through her.

"My pleasure," he said, and Xenia forced herself to meet his blue eyes, just to see what she found there. Nothing smarmy or presumptuous but a tinge of sensual awareness That she couldn't deny. As she turned for the kitchen, her nipples rubbed against her bra.

So was it true? Had she decided she was really going to indulge in this wildest of fantasies? As usual, the very question sent a heavy breath whooshing from her, so she decided to cut herself a break and not force herself to answer. Instead, she pul ed a bottle of wine from the fridge, since a glass of Chardonnay sounded welcome right now.

"Ready to put the steaks on the gril ?" Justin asked and from there, things turned amazingly easy. Since, after all, they were just three normal people having dinner. Sort of.

Justin and Tommy fired up the gril , putting on the steaks and potatoes, while Xenia tossed the salad, then set the table. She turned on music,
something low and soft in the background.

When they sat down to their salads, Xenia choose the chair at the head of the table. Only when Tommy sat on one side of her and Justin  on the other did she realize perhaps it had been a subconscious effort to put herself between the two men, to begin to get used to that, see how it felt even if only in some small way.

And though conversation was easy the guys telling her about the new computer games they'd tested today, everything inside Xenia began to heat up, to swell with an inescapable and potent sexual consciousness. She wasn't sure if it was just her body, wound up from the thoughts through the day, or if it was more palpable than that something they all could feel passing between them, hovering in the air but a whole new element of sensuality pervaded her being. Everything she touched, she felt more. Everything she ate delivered more taste than ever before.

She found herself forking an entire cherry tomato into her mouth letting her tongue run over its smooth skin as she luxuriated in its very roundness, until finally she bit into it and let the tangy flavor burst across her taste buds, wet and cool. She washed it down with a swing of wine, welcoming the fruity warmth as it passed into her throat, then lowered the glass back to the table, where her fingertips slid slowly and down the stem.

When Justin went to check on the steaks, Xenia emptied her glass and watched as Tommy reached to refil it.

"Justin tells me you had a rough breakup not long ago." She wasn't sure it was the right topic, but it had just popped out with a little help from the wine. She liked knowing he was a guy with feelings, a guy who could take a relationship seriously maybe more seriously than Justin, for all she knew.

He nodded, took a sip from his own glass. "Yeah. But it was my own fault," he admitted with an endearingly devilish glint in his eye. "Did he tell you that?"

She shook her head.

"I cheated on her," he said, then held up his hands as if in defense. "Don't let that make you think I'm a lousy guy, though because believe me, I regret it. It was a stupid thing to do and I've learned my lesson."

She tilted her head, intrigued. "Why does a guy do that? Cheat on a girl he cares for?"

He grinned. "Easy sex?"

She laughed softly, despite herself.

"Seriously, the temptation was there and I took it but I really don't know why. Now I think maybe I just wasn't comfortable knowing I was getting in so deep with Marianne. Maybe I wanted to sabotage it or at least prove to myself That she didn't matter as much as I was afraid she did."

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