"I'm .. . glad you made that choice," she ventured, a bit timidly. "If you hadn't, I would never have met you, never have had this time with you."

"Good point," he said, chin perched in his fist, elbow balanced on the table. "I'm glad I made that choice, too, snowflake."

For some reason, it was a sobering moment for Xenia. Because as sweet as he was being, she knew it meant more to her than to him. He didn't say it nor did his voice or his eyes it was just something she knew inherently. He was a man of the world, a man who took lovers, had affairs. It had to mean more to her than to him, was undoubtedly more of an unprecedented event in her life something life altering, in fact, she had to admit.

Not so for him.

Just take it for what it is. Soak it up. Enjoy the sex. Enjoy him.

And try not to worry that this span of time with him will be the defining period of your entire life. Try not to worry that it will never be this good, this utterly grand, again.

"You were right," she said, ready to return to a normal, easy topic. "It's good to get out in the sun for a little while."

He nodded, a sexy yet superior look gracing his face. "The smart little snowflake would take a
bigger break, let me take her skiing. Or we could drive over to Breckenridge. Cute little ski town with lots of cafes and shops you'd probably like."

Tempting, oh so tempting. But . . . "No, the smart little snowflake has a book to finish. So as nice as this breakfast is, I have to go back inside and get to work soon."

He let out a groan of frustration. "You know, honey, I'm about as much of a workaholic as there is, but even I know it's wise to take a break and refuel every now and then."

She gave her head a knowing tilt. "And I'm wiling to bet that if you had some big deal on the table right now that was timensensitive, you'd be working at it night and day until it was done instead of wanting to play in the snow."

He lowered his chin, narrowed his gaze on her, and let out a sigh. "Point taken." Then, popping the last bite of a buttery English muffin into his mouth, he wiped his hands on a napkin and pushed to his feet. "Before you go, though ..."


"Stand up."

She flashed a speculative look in his direction, thinking his expression had just shifted to a darker and oh-so-familiar one, even beneath the bright morning sun. "Why?"

Without answering, he rounded the table and took her hand, leading her across the large deck until she faced that same striking view of Vail and beyond. He stood behind her, hands pushing up under her coat to close warm on her hips. He leaned into her from behind, and even through the jacket, she could feel his hard-on. "Thought I'd give you a little morning treat before you go inside," he breathed near her ear.

She looked over her shoulder into seductive brown eyes, offering her sexiest grin. "One problem that's not little." He returned the smile. "Your fault." "I guess you should make me pay then."

He leaned closer, pulling back her messy hair to lower a kiss to her neck. "I intend to."

As Justin's hands gently began to push down her pants, just over her ass, the brisk air hit her and her pussy trembled with a mixture of sensations.

She reflected on the fact That she stood on a snowy mountainside, her private parts exposed. She thought of Stan and Candy, and of Tommy, and of all those eyes she'd envisioned upon them in the dark the other night. She drew in her breath as Justin's warm middle finger stroked into her, pleasure echoing through her from the touch.

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