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Chapter dedication: shevvie

Song of recommendation for the chapter: Ariana Grande ft Nicki Minaj - Bed. 🎶 🎶

Day 2 Challenge: Browse a list or book of sex positions or watch a Kama Sutra video together. Pick a few new positions to try. Be sure to tell your partner what you think looks enjoyable and why. Stick to the easy stuff, no point getting an injury on day 2.

Who said no 'Hanky Panky'.😜


After an hour and a half of her sides hurting from laughing and raucous arguments over the relative superiority of Donkey and Puss as heroes, the movie ended with Daniel sound asleep, head on his uncle's lap and feet tucked against Lee.

Chris met Lee's eyes and spoke softly. "He's so tired. The poor kids does so much homework than a fifth grader. Amanda wants her son to grow up smart like she is. Plus I think the bullying's taking a bigger toll than he wants to admit. I need to talk to his mother."

"That's probably wise, but he's an amazing kid. If he can work it out without adult intervention, it'll be good for his self-confidence."

"Good advice. I'll just ask her to be vigilant." He smiled softly. Butterflies in stomach time. "Thanks so much for having us."

"Anytime. Seriously, I love cooking and, well, I love the kid so if you want to include him in our clandestine dates, feel free."

It was Chris' turn to blink against his shiny eyes. "Thank you. Not many ladies would offer that."

"I'm not many ladies."

He cocked his head. "No, you're not, are you?"

Lee leaned over and latched her lips onto Chris'. So damned soft. She'd never kissed many men seriously, but their lips couldn't be any silkier. Chris did have a tiny prickle of dark beard hair right around his lips that gave Lee shivers.

Lee moaned. Not the first time Chris had heard that sound. The girl needed sex, and Chris more than wanted to give it to her. Not tonight. Unless —

He whispered, "Any chance you'd want to be my escort home tonight?"

Lee's eyes widened.

"No pressure."

"The place is far from here I can't make it back in tonight." She glanced at Daniel. "Daniel?"

"He is a sound sleeper."

"Oh, Okay."

He waited. Don't expect anything.

Lee's throat bobbed. "Yes. Shit, yes."

The smile spread across Chris' face like melted cookie dough ice cream.


Chris stood next to Daniel's bed and breathed.

This is stupid. Foolhardy. Oh shit, my cock won't go down.

He looked at his sleeping nephew, breathing deeply with his hand curled under his cheek. How would Daniel feel if he knew his uncle was having sex with his princess? Well, he might not understand sex, exactly, but he'd know they were sneaking around. He had to consider that. Kids wake up. Kids always know more than we think.

He pressed a hand against his pulsing erection. He was sure to burst a nut if he didn't take his imagination off the activities about to commence in a few minutes.

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